Chapter Two: Cassie Cage X reader *REQUESTED*

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*AN:sorry for the angst and if she is ooc*
The day had progressed slowly. Training taking up most of the time. Not that you were complaining because you got to see Cassie more often these days, sure she was your commanding officer in the Junior Special Forces. Over the years you had developed feelings for her. It was after everybody had their rations for the night and was leaving the mess hall for the barracks when disaster struck. Quan Chi and his army decided to attack. Scorpion was attacking you, but you were countering each blow with a higher melee damage. He then pulled out his harpoons and dragged Cassie over, but she fought out of his grip. This gave you the opportunity to slit his throat with your kunai. However, Cassie and yourself weren't paying attention and Quan Chi seized the moment to attack with one of his magic blasts. He aimed for you, but Cassie noticed before it hit and shoved you out of the way. She took the full front of the blast.
"Y/N, I-I. . .l-l-love. . .y-you. . .d-don't. . .y-you. . .forget. . .a-about me, okay?" She said gasping for breath in your arms as you caught her before she hit the floor. You started crying as she said this.
"STOP, PLEASE DON"T LEAVE ME CASS! I love you too." You scream in agony and slowly your voice starts to fade just as Cassie did.
*Time skip to funeral*
Everyone in the Junior Special Forces was at the funeral. Most were taking the death hard, but none harder than you and Takada. He was her best friend. After the service was over, everyone was to proceed to the cemetery for the burial.
"This is your fault, you know. She would still be alive if only you could watch your own back better, she wouldn't have to. She could be alive." Takada quietly and calmly said to you.
"You think I don't know that? You think I haven't been kicking myself over her death? Do you really think I don't wish for it to have been me every-goddamn-day?!" you reply quietly, but angrily.
"Why? Why do you care about her so much? You barely knew her."
"Why, you ask? Because in case you were too blind or stupid to see I loved her and I still do. So that's why I care about her so much."
After that encounter we both proceeded to where Cassie was being buried. You broke down as you saw her casket being lowered into the ground. You stood at her grave in the sunshine for a while. Once you were sure everyone was gone before I started talking.
"We miss you, you know? I still love you. I can't believe you're actually gone. Why did you do that? You shouldn't have done that, you idiot. I could have, no, I should have been watching my six and paying attention and now you're gone because of it. It's my fault, it's all my fault. I should have protected you. My death wouldn't have mattered but yours does to everyone. Takada hates me more than ever now. Your mom and dad despise me. You're gone now and it hurts so much. I love you. I miss you. See you soon."
You started to walk away as you finished talking. You got back to the barracks late at night. As you went back to the barracks, you decided to take a bath. When you got into the bathroom, you noticed you had one of your kunai still on you. Suddenly you got an idea. You shut the tub off. You went out and got your laptop and started tracking any signs that might suggest where Quan Chi is. You finally found his location after 3 days of searching. He was at the Chamber of The Flame. You went to Takada about what you found. You guys then started to formulate a plan.
*Time skip because I'm lazy*
You guys busted into Quan Chi's base and started killing everyone in there. You worked your way through halls, rooms, and chambers to get to where Quan Chi was. When you guys finally got there. You then poisoned Quan Chi with deadly nightshade in a blow dart. He started convulsing as the poison entered his blood stream. He started collapsing and choking on his own saliva as he landed on his back.
"That's what you deserve for killing Cass!" You screamed at him.
He then completely died as you broke down thinking about Cass.
*Flash Back*
It was the two month mark of you joining the Junior Special Forces. Cassie was your saving grace in this entirely too stressful time. You guys had a bunch of inside jokes. Training just got done and you were heading towards the mess hall. You got your rations and sat at one of the tables. You guys were laughing and then it happened. You noticed how gorgeous Cass was for the first time. Then you started having an internal gay panic.
*End flashback*
You and Takada then light Quan Chi's corpse on fire so he had no chance to come back to life after you guys left. You guys then went back to the barracks. You continued on with your life, hell you even back came a sergant but you never forgot Cassie, and you never did fall in love again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2021 ⏰

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