I'll never forget your voice...

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This story is about a story I read on Google so I decided to also make one

This will have fluff and also a character being blind

It also shows how having a disability you can still find love❤️

Btw this includes a character death and suicide

~Nobody's POV~

Rappa was sitting in his room Wich was really dark. He was waiting for tengai to come back from his checkup form overhaul. Why he was there was because tengai was blind..., when they were stuck in the person tengai had a accident Wich rappa blames himself Everytime he saw tengai, tengai always has his eyes closed but when he opened them all you can see was white with Gray pupils. Rappa said his eyes look beautiful but tengai couldn't tell if he was lying because he can't see him. Imagine having a boyfriend that you love and care for but you can't even see his face.

Rappa will sometimes find tengai sitting on the couch or bed with his knees to his chin or just laying lifeless. Tengai will try to help but be just gets the same answer every time "tengai your blind, we don't want you to get hurt" rappa tries to make tengai happy but tengai tell's him that he is happy just hearing his voice.

Chrono came in the room with tengai behind him holding his hand. When chrono left rappa gently grabbed tengai and pulled him close "I missed you"
Rappa spoke as he made him and tengai lay on the bed with tengai on Rappa's chest. "Thank you, rappa"

Tengai yawned and fell to the side of rappa going to sleep.
When tengai was sleeping rappa was looking at the ceiling when he heard a little purr, he looked to his side and saw mochi. Mochi was a cat tengai found outside of the person when he was able to see, but when he became blind he was sad that he will never find the cat without help, but mochi loved tengai so when he stop seeing him he went off to find him. Rappa found out about tengai and mochi when he saw them sleeping together. And when they broke out of person rappa decided to take mochi for tengai.
Fun fact mochi is actually deaf Wich means he can't hear anything but he is very loving...or maybe to some, he will hate you one minute and then love you the next and then attack you... He is a weird cat but tengai Love's him and so does some of the group members.

His is what the cat looks like

As rappa stroke the cat's head he looked at his dresser, there was a picture of him and tengai when they first became partners

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As rappa stroke the cat's head he looked at his dresser, there was a picture of him and tengai when they first became partners. Tengai looked happy and his normal self like he used to...but now he's just...different. he never want to look go site on the roof and just enjoy the nice air, or tell rappa to stop what he is doing, he is just not the same...

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