Chapter 7

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Hey guys! Okay so I don't know what's going on but I uploaded this earlier and it didn't work or something so trying again! Sorry for the long wait! Even though I say that every chapter! Also I hate this chapter! I worked hard but this is just bad! So let me know honestly what you think! I am ashamed of this chapter but it gets better don't worry! PLEASE COMMENT!! Xoxoxo

Chapter 7

Harry's POV

What the fuck was that all about? Even when I don't do anything at all I somehow do something wrong. Louis ran away from me claiming it was my fault he was awake. Was I snoring or something? I honestly don't know what to do now. He could be anywhere in Rome right now. And being the big-hearted bloke I am I won't sleep until he's back in this hotel. I throw my shoes and jacket on and a scarf and head outside. I turn down the street and look for any sign of Louis. I see no sign of him anywhere. My heart is racing and my head is spinning. I don't know what I did wrong. He makes no sense. One day he tells me he doesn't hate me and the next he's running away from me. Does he like me or not? As soon as I find him I am going to demand he tell me what his problem is! Something is wrong and I want to know what! I walk around the city center glancing in and out of dark alleys. It's getting later and colder out. My fingers are stiff and the cold air is burning my face. That boy better have a good explanation when I find him!

Louis' POV

Where am I? Why did I run away? I'm such an idiot. It is freezing out and I'm wearing a t-shirt. I have to go back to the hotel eventually. If I stay out here I'll freeze. I hope Harry didn't chase after me. He'll freeze too. Great, Harry's going to freeze and it's my fault. What a surprise. Finally exhaustion takes over and I find a bench to sit on out in front of some shops. I bring my knees up to my chest and breathe warm air into my hands.

I am a no body. No body cares about me and no one should. I'm a complete screw up. In all of my years of living I've always messed up everything. I've never even experienced what it's like to actually feel loved. Now I'm lost on what was supposed to be the best two weeks of my life. I can't even run away correctly. If I were smart I would have grabbed a jacket and my wallet at least! I groan in frustration and a few tears fall down my cheeks. I hate this pain so much. I forgot what this pain used to feel like. No wonder why I used to cut myself. The open gashes in my arm hurt far less than the pain and emotional drain my heart feels. I start to get anxious and can no longer sit still. I get up and pace down the sidewalk. I walk down a side street until I encounter a group of guys leaning against a fence at the other end. I don't stop I just keep walking. There's nothing to be scared of. I don't even care who they are or what they could do. I walk past them and one of them stops me.

"Hey kid! What are you doing out here so late at night?" one of them slurs. The 3 or 4 lads are visibly drunk as they walk up to me.

"I'm just getting some air," I say and try and push past.

"Ain't that cute! But no one gets air over on this side'a town, pretty boy," the same one says. He's medium height with dark hair and a chunky build.

"Lemme guess, buy the sound of that talk your giving us you outta be a Britisher!" another one stutters. I don't answer and stare at the lot with an unamused expression.

"We're talkin' to ya, boy!" the first one stutters.

"He's cruisin' for a bruisin' Jackie!" a third one laughs at the chunky one. They all chuckle and look at me.

"You looking for a fight kid?" the one I assume is Jackie asks me. I am not looking for a fight but I don't find myself saying no.

"He is looking for a fight Jackie!" the other one chortles.

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