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Grian struggling with his chains he let out a yelp when he felt his wing pop.

"Geez, that's not supposed to happen. That is not good. That doesn't feel nice either. I hope I didn't just pop that out of it's socket, that actually really hurts. Crap." He grunted and continued to fiddle with the chains on his wrists trying to get them loose. Soon he heard a click of the door and he started to pretend that he wasn't doing anything. His wing still hurting like a bitch though was making it hard for him to focus.

"So this is the angel you've acquired?" The other demon asked picking up Grian's chin to make him look at him.

"Yes sir, he's their strongest from what I could tell."

"Hmm... Dismissed."

Grian watched as the smaller demon walked out of the room.

"So, little angel."

Grian didn't respond. He only looked at him.

"I hear you know about a war that is going to break out on your world that we're causing."

Still no response.

"Silent type?"

"You can fuck me over as many times as you want, but you won't get away with keeping me here." Grian said with a fire-y look.

"Yeah that won't be necessary." The demon said walking behind Grian and unlatching his wing chains.

"You're releasing me?" Grian asked as he continued to do the same with his ankles and wrists. "Why?"

"Not all demons are evil, Grian."

Grian was put back because of his name.

"You should go. There's a tunnel in here and you can escape right through on that tunnel."

"Thanks." Grian said walking towards a small goopy tunnel.

"Don't mention it. Now get back to your team. They need you."

Grian gave a nod and trucked along the absolutely disgusting tunnel.


"Okay. So we were caught." Tango said annoyed as he and his friends were thrown in a cage.

"You don't say." Xisuma retorted as his chains jingled.

"This was literally all Tangos' fault." Impulse said.

"It really was." Scar replied.

"I'm sorry guys! I didn't mean to get us all cap-"


"What was that?" Mumbo asked. Then something was thrown in the cage and they all looked to where it came from. Smiles all formed on the hermits' faces. Grian ran up to them.

"Guys, are you okay?" Grian whispered.

"Yeah, but are you? You're wing looks a bit of a mess." Mumbo said. Grian looked back at it, "Oh.. I must have popped it out of it's socket earlier then. Come on, I got the keys."


"Uh..." Grian flashed back to the memory where he silently attacked another demon. "Not important. Let's go." He said opening the cage and unlatching their wrist chains.

They all ran and went into the nether. They went through Joe's portal.

"Well howdy folks...? What is going on?" Joe asked.

"We need your help but we have no time to explain what's happening." Xisuma said.

"I need my wing popped back into place." Grian quickly added, "And with you being one of the best healers on the server, I need your help."

Joe quickly guided Grian to a bed, "This is gonna hurt."

"I've been put through torture before. This isn't really much but I need to be able to fly--Y." He hitched his last word as Joe popped it back into place. "Ouch. Xisuma, have every hermit meet me at my base in the jungle."

"Which one?" Xisuma asked.

"Mansion." Grian said and he flew out the window unsteadily, Mumbo following behind.

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