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Jaebum's feelings were so down, he felt useless, he felt he has nothing else to do, he had no more strength and motivation to fight and stand again anymore, he wanted to just lay down and give up on himself and the curled creature on the other bed,

he felt like just leaving the world as the kitten wanted, there was no hope for both of them, he was so tired and his heart so broken,

and knowing that he was the reason the kitten is suffering now makes him feel the worst, guilt was eating him and it hurts him so much seeing the hybrid like this.

Jaebum with closed eyes lightly turned himself hugging his pillow and facing the other side,
and he was bewildered when he lazily opened his eyes then glanced at the kitty finding him curled up on the bed gazing his bandaged palms and caressing them softly, the kitty then slowly lifted his upper body sitting his back supported by the headboard behind him hugging his knees to his chest and resting his head on them,

his ears flopped down indicating his upset, broken and weary self, his tail laying limply beside him, his golden locks that grew long almost past his cheek's bones were nearly blocking Jaebum from seeing his eyes as they messily scattered down his forehead, but Jaebum knew he was staring to his feet or maybe he was in deep thoughts

"What is he doing?‬⁩"

Jaebum wondered when the kitten reached his pale small hand tracing his own feet's skin with his tiny fingers then rubbed them softly up to his ankles,

" was he scared they were cuffed again!!"

Jaebum pondered silently observing his actions,

Jaebum watched as the kitten lifted his other hand to his neck touching it, he tenderly fumbled with his lightly pinkish fingertips around it sensing the missed thing,

it must've felt so light and strange for him without that stupid collar, Jaebum was glad he got rid of it,

soon Jaebum noticed his lower lip trembling followed by a fit of tears racing down his cheeks along with a muffled gasps as he silently sobbed,

his tail that was once resting beside him is now wrapped around his small body providing him some warm and comfort as he hugged himself crying,

Jaebum felt the tears crowding in his eyes but tried his best to stay calm and contain them, Jaebum focused on the kitty his pupils darted to where the kitty's lost gaze landed now which was on the tubes connected to his hands,

his right hand was twiddling with the cannula in his left one, he wiped the tears off his eyes only for more to flow out, he hiccuped and sniffled as he intensely gazed them through his tears,

it was now when Jaebum noticed they were connected to his hands instead of his arms that were now having two bandages,

Jaebum was confused but didn't give much ‪of a thought until he saw the kitty started
tugging and pulling on the cannula,

Jaebum's eyes went wide and he tiredly got up and walked towards him

"what are you trying to do ?"

he stood a little far from the Kitten's bed and spoke gently,

the kitty flinched and pulled his hand away, he heavily lifted his head and guided his gaze towards the sound he looked at Jaebum with those beautiful tearful eyes,

Jaebum's breath hitched as he after a long time almost properly get a chance to see them , but they were faint of sheen, Jaebum saw it, he saw the pain and sorrow in those eyes, how lost and struggled they were spilling out more salty tears,

the kitty then lowered his head his long hair covering most of his slender features,

When the kitty didn't answer Jaebum with anything but tears and him laying and curling himself again, Jaebum sighed and dragged himself back to his bed

" at least he didn't freak out this time"
Jaebum thought to himself

the kitty watched him walk away,
he opened his mouth he wanted to say something but nothing came out,

he watched the man curling himself under the blanket and giving him his back and he kept on dejectedly staring at that back with glossed with tears eyes,


he tried again and it came out as a whisper this time, but he felt great pain in his throat yet through his silent sobs he called him again and that went too unheard by Jaebum,

" why is he hiding? why he looked tired and sad?
is he hurt too like him? is master chasing him too? why kitty and mister is here? what's here?
humans do bad...mister gives his back again... mister doesn't want to look at kitty anymore..., kitty doesn't want to be alive wanna go way..."

those thoughts and wonders never stopped roaming inside his head looking at the back of the man laying on the other bed and shedding tears till his eyes fluttered closed .

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