Hard cases

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Erin and Jay had returned to dating, remained professionals but this time they preferred to do the right thing, wanted to tell Voight and then arranged to meet at the Bullpen earlier to tell them together.

"Good morning," she said, walking towards Jay when she went up the stairs.

"Good morning" they meet and he kisses her on the cheek. "Ready?" He asks holding Erin's hand. She takes a deep breath and nods. "I think so" she replies they go to Hank's office, knock on the door and before entering let loose their hands, Jay lets Erin go first and follows behind.

"We can talk?" Erin asks.

"Yes" Voight beckons them to sit in the chair, but only when Erin does, Jay stands next to her.

"Well ... Sergeant Voight ... yeah ... Hank" Jay tries to speak, but he's nervous, not that he's afraid of Voight but never thought of going to ask permission to date someone and Erin didn't say once who had to ask permission from her father, shouldn't he even bother? Well there was Jay doing, that woman was everything to him, but he didn't know how to tell, was he a boss or a father? He thought.

"Hank" Erin speaks seeing Jay's nervousness. "well, I suppose you know that me and Jay are more than partners ..." She looks at Voight who pays serious attention to Erin. She continues. "well, we're dating" she says and holds Jay's hand. Hank doesn't say anything, just looks at both of them making them both nervous.

"Éee sergeant, I know you didn't want a relationship at work, but I promise that our relationship won't affect work, me and your daughter, I mean Lindsay and I will continue as before" he says and looks at Erin.

"Yeah, that won't change at work" says Erin, who looks at Jay and then at Voight. They don't know what to do or what to say anymore, Voight's gaze is making them nervous, surely he would kill them both with his gaze, maybe that's what he's trying to do.

"Say something, for God's sake," pleads Erin.

"I don't like relationships at work, you can't promise to separate the professional from the staff, but I've separated them before and that was not a good idea." Voight says and impresses the couple, Hank saying it wasn't a good idea to separate them? They must be dreaming.

"But, a problem here and I take away the partnership of the two or if something happens know that I will not hesitate to transfer one of you" he says as he gets up. Erin, not knowing what to say, stands up too and they nod.

"I'm glad you're happy" Hank walks over to Erin and hugs her.

"Thank you" she accepts the hug and says with a smile. Hank looks at Jay and reaches out to greet him. "For you too, but if you hurt my girl you know very well where I'm going to take you" he says when Jay nods. Erin laughs at the situation.

"Silos" she replies quietly but Hank hears her.

"No, I was thinking more about him swimming in Lake Michigan" Voight says and the two stop laughing, Jay knows what he does with the people there and it looks like Hank is not kidding.

"Okay, we already told you, shall we?" Erin asks if she turns with Jay towards the door.

"I'm not going to disappoint you sir, Erin is the most important person in my life" Jay speaks and receives a wave from Voight and the two leave and go to the break room and Erin smiles.

"What's it?" Jay asks when he sees her smiling.

"The most important person? I felt special now" she says with a smile on her face.

"It should" he says the same way she said before they parted.

"Now, I've never seen you so nervous," she says and smiles, turning away and going to the coffee pot.

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