☁ Cat!Shouto x reader

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It only took a week to fix the fax machine that Denki broke and it was back to work as usual. Jirou and I were typing away on our computers when Denki came by. 

"Hey, guys you need to check this out. Ochaco brought in a red and white cat," Denki said excitedly.

I looked over to Jirou and she just shrugged as she got up to follow Denki. I quickly followed them into the break room to see Ochaco, Mina, and Nejire all surrounding a large cardboard box. Inside was Indeed a red and white cat curled up in the farthest corner from all the humans. The girls wooed and awed at the cat as Ochaco reached into pet the cute kitty, only for the cat to swipe and Hiss as her. The girls immediately jumped back from the box mortified.

I leaned close to get a good look at this cat. He was skinny, malnourished,  and had some scars. It looked like a stray and his behavior only helped to confirm that.

"Ochaco did you pick him off the streets?" Jirou asked as she hid behind me.

"He looked so sad and hurt I couldn't leave him there in the dumpster," Ochaco sighed.

"Well this guy is most likely feral," I said as I turned to look at the group.

"But," Ochaco said, but couldn't come up with a good argument.

"I'll give him a month, but if he still doesn't feel comfortable with humans. The best we can do for him is to vaccinate him, get him neutered, and release him back into the wild. And if he is a hybrid than that's a whole other can of worms," I explained.

"Wasn't your other cat. umm Shinsou, wasn't he also a feral cat?" Mina asked.

"No Shinsou sadly came from a neglectful home," I explained.


So I ended up taking this cat home. I named this handsome cat Shouto and gave him the spare room in my apartment. Shinsou and Izuku were curious about this new guest, but Izuku just stayed away from the scary cat. Shinsou didn't seem fazed at all but didn't like me going into that room by myself.

Shouto as a very cold and quiet cat, he always stayed in his carrier. He would only come out to eat, not before taking a swipe at me. 

A week later he's willing to sit out In the open but still kept his distance. I tried to introduce him to my other pets, Izuku was too scared of him. 

Shinsou would just stand guard and glare at Shouto. Shouto glare back as his fur stood on ends. One day Shouto took a lunge at me when Shinsou rushed in front and transformed into his human form and tackled the cat. Shouto transformed into a boy with red and white hair cut down right in the middle. 

But I was pulled out of my supper when I realized that the two Neko boys were fighting each other. I quickly pulled the two apart and pulled Shinsou out of the room. Once safe and sound I turned to Shinsou and gave him a loving kiss on the bridge of his nose, as a thank you for his bravery.

Two weeks went by and Shouto calmed somewhat he won't attack me anymore, but He dosen't like it when I get too close to him. Yet I would sit with him in the room for about an hour and just talk about anything. He would not say anything or just scoff at me. 

As A few days pasted, snow started to fall and Winter drew near. I didn't want to release him out in the snow, but he clearly didn't like being with humans so I might not have a choice. 

One day I noticed that Shouto was shivering and shacking from the cold. I wasn't going to risk my hands to try put a coat on him. 


It so cold as I just laid on my side on the hard wood floor, I miss my berral. I suddenly left something placed on me. It was soft and fluffy and something warm was pushed up on my back. Looking up slowly, it was that human again. She softly stroked my fur softly, and it was heavenly. So just this once I'll let her get away with this.

I still don't trust her. She want's something, to use me for something.

"Tomorrow I'll put you back, Shouto," She said softly.

"About Time," I mummbled.

"I don't know your story, but I hope you find your way out their," She hummed.

She continued to talk as I slowly fell into a peaceful sleep. But when I woke up the next morning she was gone, and so was that warmth. She would come in and it was the same song and dance, but I couldn't figure out what this human want's. Thou I won't be like those two hybrids who are wrapped around her fingers.

Soon Friday came and after she took me to that awful place, The vet. She soon took be back to my part of the city. But before she let me go Y/n wrapped a long piece of cloth around my neck.

I quickly ran out of the carrier, but before I turned into the ally way I looked back. She smiled softly as she picked up her things and turned to leave. For some reason I felt a sense of dread come over me.


Winter only got worse as the days went on and on, I curled up in newspaper and my scarf but I couldn't stay warm. for some reason I always thought back to Y/n and her warm hands and gentle voice. 

My stomach twist in pain as it grumbled for food, so I had to leave my berral and find a mouse or something. Pushing through the snow I heard something or someone. Someone falimilr, but things slowly started to become heavy as I slowly closed my eyes.

"Shouto?" called out a voice.


It was a beautiful winter as I wandered through the snow covered park, Izuku and shinsou following behind me in winter clothing i picked out for them. Izuku clung to my arm while shinsou walked next to me as we enjoyed the snowy air. As I observed the snow cover ground I noticed something red in the distance, It looked cat like.



Slowly opening my eyes I was meet with a bright light, defiantly not sunlight, but the familiar light from a human apartment. sitting up I was indeed inside a very familiar room, and next to me was a fresh bowl of chicken soup.

"I see your awake," Said a soft voice.

Then a soft hand gently stroking by back. A wave of warmth flowed through me as I scarfed down the meal.

"Shouto, If you like... Stay here for the winter and you can leave in the spring," Y/n suggested.

"sure," was I could say.

I could of died out there in the snow and Y/n once again welcomed me into her home. Around the door frame were two pairs of eyes staring at me.

Having free reign around the apartment was nice. I enjoyed being in my cat form and just sitting and watching Y/n cook our food. I was one of the few Hybrids that liked to be human most of the time. So I would help around the house or just rest my head on her lap. As time went on, I found it harder and harder to find my will to leave this place... To leave Y/n. Much to Shinsou's dissmay.

Never once in my life did i ever think that I would be happy living the rest of my life as a hybrid pet. 


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