II. 01

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Hayden was walking through the alleys of the Isle with Harry as they made their way towards the fish and chip shop. As they turned a corner, someone was approaching them carrying a pile of clothing.

Harry pushed the person out of their way as Hayden smirked at them, knocking the pile of clothes on the floor. People around them began to gasp and stare as the two continued  on their way.

Harry took a scarf from a pirate on his right before throwing it in the face of someone else while Hayden flashed her fire eyes at a group of people. The two continued to smirk as they approached Ursula's Fish and Chips.

Hayden was about to push open the doors when Harry stopped next to her. She turned to look at him as he walked over to a female pirate fishing off the edge of the docks. He lifted the fish she had caught by the string with his hook and examined them. He looked up at the pirate and smirked before turning away.

Hayden grinned as he dramatically pushed open the doors and placed his sword in the sword check. Hayden placed hers in the box as well as Harry took the fish off of his hook and handed them to a waitress.

They approached the long table where pirates were sitting and eating. Harry shoved one pirate off of his chair and used it to climb up on the table before jumping off the other side. Hayden took the seat the pirate had been on as he sat in the empty one next to it.

Harry turned on the TV to reveal and interview of Mal. Hayden frowned at the sight of her blonde hair but she remained silent. Uma emerged from the kitchen carrying a tray of food. She dropped it on the table in front of Harry who had returned to stand next to Gil. He moved the tray over slightly and began to eat.

Uma hit his arm out of the way and grabbed some food, throwing it at the TV with a grunt. Harry laughed slightly as Hayden raised her eyebrows in amusement. "Poser" Uma said as she turned around once again and placed her hand on the table.

"Traitor!" Harry called out while eating his food. Uma looked around in annoyance as everyone continued with their conversations. "Hello!?" she called out. In response, everyone began to yell and throw food, aside from Gil who was distracted by his food.

"Ohhh, I would love to wipe the smiles off their faces" Harry began, swiping food off of the TV with his finger. "You know what I mean?" he continued, licking the food off of his finger as he turned back to the table. Hayden raised an eyebrow at him before turning to Uma, sending her a sympathetic look.

"Gil, you want to quit choking down yolks and get with the programme?" Uma asked, glaring at the boy. Gil turned to face her and gulped, slightly afraid. "Yeah, what they said" he responded.

"That little traitor" Uma began, rolling her eyes at the boy next to her. "Who left us in the dirt" she announced. "Who turned her back on evil" Harry added, holding up a piece of food and examining it.

"Who said you weren't big or bad enough to be in her gang" Gil said from over by the counter. Hayden shot him a warning glance as the restaurant fell silent. Gil turned back to the table, noticing the eyes on him.

"Back when we were kids" he elaborated, somehow not sensing the tension in the room. "Come on, you guys remember, she called her Shrimpy and the name just kind of..." he trailed off, only now seeing the glares.

"Stuck" he finished as Hayden placed a hand on Harry's arm to stop him from attacking Gil. Uma sighed and rolled her eyes, turning her back on Gil to look between Hayden and Harry. "That snooty little witch" she began. "Who grabbed everything she wanted and left me nothing."

"No, she left you that sandbox and then she said that you could have the shrimp" Gil stated as Hayden grimaced. Uma immediately turned back to him as she slammed her hand on the table. "I need you to stop talking."

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