III. 06

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Hayden and the guys followed Dude into the forest as he tracked the king. "Ben!" Jay and Carlos continued to call out, hoping to get a response. Hayden followed next to Harry as they climbed over tree roots.

"Dude, come on. Nothing?" Carlos asked, bending down next to his dog. Hayden watched Gil as he approached a bush in amazement. "These things just grow everywhere" he said, shaking his head in amazement as he ate one of the berries.

"Hey, we should play that icebreaker" he then said, turning to face Jay. "Jay, I like the way that you can bounce around and jump off things. These are free right?" he said while holding out another berry.

Hayden laughed at this and shook her head. She felt a presence behind her and raised an eyebrow as Harry leaned down next to her. "I like your face" he whispered to her, a smirk on his face.

Hayden rolled her eyes at this yet she could still feel the heat rising in her cheeks. She turned to face him, leaning towards him slightly. "That's not how the game works" she whispered back before stepping away with her own smirk.

Harry's face fell momentarily before he chuckled to himself and turned away once again. "Yeah, um" Jay called out as he approached the bush next to Gil. "I like how you get a kick out of a berry bush" he continued with a laugh.

"I guess you've probably seen everything by now, huh? Furry rocks, giant fish. You're probably used to grabbing lunch off a bush" Gil said while eating more berries. Hayden smiled sadly at the boy, thinking once again of how different their lives were on the Isle.

"No, I mean, no, not really. I mainly just use the vending machines at practice. You know, tourney kind of eats up most of my time so..." Jay trailed off while eating berries as well.

Harry, who was leaning his arm on the tree next to Hayden, began to laugh once he heard this. "Tourney?" he repeated, turning to face the two boys. "That's a wee boys game" he stated, looking between them.

However, the two boys simply ignored him and continued talking. "Hey" Gil said, turning back to Jay and hitting his shoulder. "You know what would be fun? To go rafting on a jungle river"  he stated, pointing at Jay.

"Find a lost civilisation" Jay added. Hayden smiled in amusement as she watched Harry roll his eyes, walking to the other side of the tree and leaning back against it. "Oh, or maybe a penguin" Gil continued.

"Oh, well, you'd find those more in like icebergs, but I'd love to see one of those" Jay agreed. He seemed slightly confused by the fact that they were getting along but Hayden simply smiled.

"You guys are killing me" Harry growled as he pushed off of the tree. He looked between the two boys as he appraoched the bush as well. He pulled a berry off of the bush with his hook before eating it.

"P.S. your mutt went that way" he then said to Carlos as he nodded in the other direction. As Dude called out to his owner, Hayden followed after Harry into the forest. "Dude, what do you see?" Carlos called out after his dog.

"This way!" Dude responded, running off through the forest once again. Hayden and Harry walked next to each other, trying not to stumble or trip on the uneven ground.

"Ben!" Carlos called out as they carefully walked down the hill. Hayden groaned, grabbing onto Harry's arm every so often to steady herself; she was definitely wearing the wrong boots for trekking through the forest.

"Oh boy, something stinks. And it wasn't me this time!" Dude exclaimed as he ran back to the group. Suddenly, a massive beast jumped out from behind one of the trees, turning and growling at them.

While Dude screamed and ran off in fear, Hayden's eyes went wide. She squealed and jumped, gripping onto Harry's side out of fear. "Gil!" Carlos yelled out as the beast ran at them, pushing him out of the way.

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