Age quirk (past in the future)

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It was a normal evening when Denki was on his way back to the dorms when a beam of light hits him. He didn't see where it came from but he also didn't feel any different so he continued his way to the dorms.

The next morning:
Everyone was in the living room talking when they heard small thuds walk into the room they look over to see a tiny child that looks like Denki Mina rushes over and says "hello are you lost what is you name?!" Everyone was quiet and staring waiting for the young boy to answer "m-my name is k-k-kaminari Denki.!" he attempts to shout as people look at him in shock then, jirou asks "we're do you think you are buddy?" Denki takes a second looks around and says "a-another foster home? no one wants to keep me..." everyone stares at him as a few people give him a sympathetic look. kirishima then says, "you should just know that your in the future little bro!" Denki nods. Everyone exchanges looks as all eyes fall on midoriya. For a split second he looked absolutely pissed off alas, he walked over to the now petite boy and kneeled down to his eye level "would you like to hang out with me Kaminari?" Deku gives a smile but Denki sees through it "you don't have to lie good sir. I appreciate you trying but I shall be fine. Unless you insist I must stay with you." Deku gets nervous but laughs it off before picking up the kid and bringing him to the kitchen. Kaminari freaked out the whole 15 seconds it took. kiri tried to help but, the greenette  was insistent.

The class that had been watching this interaction from the living room and kitchen were surprised to say the least. to "is Denki still a foster kid?" Or "was baby Denki studering?!" These questions were ones they would ask when he turns back.

Bakougo placed some pancakes with butter on them in front of the child before turning away. Small Kaminari looking upset asks, "what d-day is it sir?" Deku was confused but answerd "it's Saturday.?" a bit hesitantly Denki frowns and states, "I can only eat on Wednesday..." as he says this Mr.Aizawa walks in and shouts "what the hell?!" Denki covers his ears and shouts "W-wait I'm s-s-so sorry I won't ask again j-just please don't h-hit me!" Everyone stopped what they were doing to stare at him. Midoryia coverd his mouth in shock. Bakugo took a step back to collect himself quickly. It was easy to tell everyone in the room had around the same thought had the same thought "Who in the right mind would hurt and starve a child?!" Aizawa walked over calmly as he told the younger boy, "your safe here" Denki looked up in confusion and asked "what does that word mean...s-safe..." Midoriya being sympathetic bursted in to tears and Tokoyami ran upstairs so no can see him cry over his favorite light source (no one will know) kirishima was heart broken along with pretty much everyone in the class. the class clown, the one to put a smile on their faces, the bi disaster, the flirt that knows when to stop didn't know what the word "safe" meant. Aizawa then lookes down at him as he asks another question, "do you know who or what hero's are?" Denki then looks up and says "OH! yeah Tessa puts them in my bed time story's they are people who help others but they don't exist for real...I wish they did tho because then Tessa could have Kiki back" Aizawa stands to get a quick breath before healing back down with a sympathetic look he tries not to show to much of as he asks a finale question, "who is Kiki and Tessa?"The blonde smiles brightly before answering, "Tessa says that Kiki is her girlfriend and Tessa says she is just like me a foster kid in the 'rigged system.'!" Aizawa then puts a hand on the blinds shoulder as he says "this place is safe that means no one can hurt you here" the child looks up with a sparkle in his eyes and says "Tessa says that Kiki went to a place like that and it was called heaven!" Mina spit out her milk gaining attention of bakugou who hit her across the head. Aizawa decided that the problem children should be fine and left them to play or "do what kids do these days...except drugs kid..I mean DONT- DONT do drugs kids. I'm too tired for this..."

2:40 pm:
Denki was playing with kirishima while Bakugo and midoryia were making snacks. jirou asks denki if he wanted to play a instrument the child nods and it was slithery strange not seeing him bounce off walls but the girl wasn't complaining. The child started playing her keyboard surprisingly well, with a small smile on his face, it was cute. Mina took a picture of the little boy and when Denks was done Mina asked, "hey buddy do you want to watch tv?" Denki looked at Mina liked she was crazy and laughed "those only exist in story's silly!" Mina felt bad for the kid. when she was that young she would be staring at her TV screen all day and taking it for granted. she snapped out of her daze and grinned mischievously before yelling, "come here sit next to me!" Patting down the spot. The child did as he was told, but then got scared when he saw the big glowing light box start showing him moving pictures with loud sounds that didn't match the characters lips. he then jumped off the couch and ran straight to grab onto Deku in tears Mina walked over and shouted, "I'm so so sorry!" Denki looks back at her and replies with very shaken breath and tears in his eyes "I-it's o-ok! t-there has been worse like the time that they beat me extra and Tessa said she thought she lost me."Mina looks at denki "how old are you and Tessa?" She asks very confused denki then says "Tessa is 15 her quirk is called light she can pretty much move and control light. I'm 4 soon Tessa says if I'm lucky we will be able to escape by using our quirks!" Mina looks like she is about to cry and Bakugo leans down to his level and says "do you need a hug kid?" Denki looks at him confused "h-hug?" Bakugo glares at him concerned and said "go run into the boy with sharp teeth and red hair just.. trust me ok..." Denki looks at him shocked, but then does as the older told him. Kami races into the boy with sharp teeth head front, eyes closed, then...he gets picked up and pulled into a giant cuddly bear hug slowly the smaller eases into it and yells to the best of his abilities, "I-I like hugs I've been in one before with Mr.NiceMan" Todoroki spins his head around to look at the kid shocked, and a small tear forming in his eye  "y-you mean...touya" everyone in the room now intrigued stares at Todoroki who is close to having a breakdown denki gets put down and rushes over "how do you know that?!" The kid puts on the bravest face they've seen of the day and he puts up some fists. Todoroki starts wiping tears away from his face. This is the most emotion he has had in a long time. Shouto says "he is my oldest brother he protected and cared for one point he was hiding 10 kids in are house.." the half-N-half boy chuckled a tad. the small human pikachu looks surprised by this and says "T-touya said one day I will be able to live with him and meet his brother! He sometimes sneaks through the roof to bring me food when I asked why I can't leave with him now he said that he had no where to take me that was safe, and he could barley protect himself...He says that he might be able to get K-Keigo to take care of me for a bit tho" Todoroki hugs Kaminari as he says "remember he also had problems he had to help my mother raise 3 kids without me getting hurt and the others to be happy and healthy. he was also helping others kids live" they hug for a bit.

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