Little fling thing

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I wake up feeling more refreshed than I was before. I take a shower and put on some clothes and head downstairs. I see my mom cooking breakfast and it smelt wonderful.

"Hey sweetheart. Looks like someone had a good rest." My mom says flipping the bacon. 

"Yeah I did!" I run over to the bathroom and bang on the door. "Alaska! Hurry up!" I scream. The door swings open.

"I am ready so you can stop yelling." We both go to the table to eat some breakfast before we headed to school.

"Why are you so happy today?" Alaska asks parking the car.

"I don't know I just am."

We meet up with our friends and head inside.

"Its Friday!" Dakota says running to us.

"Yeah it is. Why is everyone so happy?" Alaska says opening her locker.

"Because! Its movie night!

"Yeah its Illinois turn to pick one." Alaska says closing her locker.

"I don't know a movie yet."

"Well you need too! Because we aren't waiting for you to pick one." I say shoving him.

We head to class early like usually. Then I see Luca. His eyes meet mine and I wanted to faint. Dakota practically drags me to my seat. All class I couldn't get my eyes off of him.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" I say awkwardly. I teacher nods her head. I stay there for the rest of the 8 minutes of class. I didnt want to stay there and just stare at him all day. Then I hear the bell ring. I was about to get out of class but then Luca comes in.

"H-Hey." I try to pass by him but he pushed me to the wall and locked the bathroom door. I felt my face warm up. "W-What..."

"Why did you run out of class?"

I try to move but he pushed me back. "W-W-What do you mean." I say stuipdly.

"You can't deal with me can you?" He says with a smirk.

"Shut up!" I try pushing him but I am really weak and tired. "Your giving me a headache!" He kisses my forehead.

"Is that better."

I smile. "No its not." He lets out a little chuckle and picks me up so I straddle him. "Put me down!" I say.

"Aww is the baby mad." We lock eyes.

It was sweet. I didnt want to look away. I wanted to keep this moment. Then he kisses me. It was sweet and it made me calm down. He pushes me againest to wall. I deepen the kiss. Full on tounge! Then we finally stop. He puts me down. I felt so tiny. I wipe my lips and leave the bathroom. I didnt know what to do. I didnt want to tell my friends because they was gonna go crazy. So I grabbed Alaskas keys to the car out of her locker and walked out of school.

"Why did I do that!" I say to myself walking faster to the car.

"Hey! Wait up!" I hear looking say opening the car door and getting in.

"What? No. Get out!"


I roll my eyes and get in the car. "What do you even want!" I say putting my seatbelt on. "And don't say you."

"Ok then I won't say it."

I drive to home and walk in. "Mom! You home?" No answer. Probaly she is at work. I head upstairs. My head started to spin. But I made it up them anyways. I layed down on my bed.

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