First Date (59 x Luna)

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59 woke up and walked outside, after hearing some noises from the outside of his window. 59 cooed a bit as he walked off. Soon a coo returning to him from behind. 59s eyes went wide and turned to his crush, Luna.

The white Cat Punk was on her fours looking up at him. 59 smiled widely, dropped to his fours and spun around in circles, then stood in front of her with his chest pumped out. Luna made a bit of a growl noise mixed with a sorta groan.

59 looked at Luna and tilted his head. Luna snaps at him a bit, her eyes going slit. 59s jaw dropped a bit as he stopped pumping his chest. Luna then cooed and walked off, 59 following. Luna giggled a bit as she started to run off. 59 stood up on his legs and ran after her.

"Oh god, you're fast!" 59 puffed as Luna ran to the lake that was close to 59s place. 59 looked around a bit as Luna glanced at him and cooed a bit.

59 walked up to her and sat in front of her. Luna hopped up and started dancing majestically. 59 watched, his jaw dropping and eyes widening. Luna then sat down, "impress me!" She said.

59 closed his mouth and put on a confident face and stood up.

"Hey baby~ your fabric looks cool! What's it made out of? Girlfriend material?..~" 59 cooed and smiled, proud of what he said.

Luna blinks a bit. 59 looks at her and had a confused look on his face. Was she impressed? Was she confused? Did he just mess up his entire chance to be with her?!?! 59 tilts his head a bit and clears his throat.

59 looks around then jumped on his fours and prance around in circles. Luna watched and smiles a bit. 59 saw her smile and figured she liked the prancey stuff, even though he himself wasn't very fond of it. 59 smiled widely and started to jump around in circles, swaying his tail up in the air and making weird noises.

Luna's eyes went slit and watched.

59 stopped, faced her, pumped his chest out and started to sing, "ooh baby, baby! La la la la la la!"


59 walked up to her, doing a weird dance as he continued to sing, "take advantage of tonight, 'cause tomorrow I'm also doin' bad perform for a princess, but tonight, I can make you my queen, and make love to you-" he was about to lean in for a kiss. Though Luna wasn't having non of that, so she slapped him on the head a few times and hissed.

59 backed away and whimpered, looking at Luna confused and hurt. Luna growls, "You're spastic!!" She hissed and ran up a dead tree and went up on the highest branch.

59 watched her, he wouldn't be able to climb that as well as she could, he was only half cat punk. 59 whimpered and walks up to the tree and jumped up on it and tried climbing it, breaking a few branches and almost falling off the tree a few times. Still, he tried. He wasn't gonna give up, he wanted Luna as his mate, he liked her personallity, he loved her look and voice.

59 stood up on his legs and pit his arms up on one of the branches below the one Luna was on as he cooed a bit. Luna looked down at him and smiled a bit. 59 smiles happily as he jumped out on the branch below her.

Luna then frowned, faking the smile and swayed her tail in his face. 59 shakes his head and jumped on the branch she was on as the one below him, snapped off and fell to the ground.

Luna sat up and turned to 59. 59 looks at her and smiles awkwardly as he tried pulling himself up. Luna growled and hit him on his head, hard. A little to hard on accident. 59 fell of the branch and landed on the floor, getting covered in sand and dust. 59 shook his head and got up, looking up at Luna sadly.

"I don't perch with a spazz!" Luna huffed. She wrapped her ears around her optics and laid back down. 59 whimpered and looked around. He sighs and climbed back up on the tree and up to Luna.

"H-hey.." he said, nervously.

Luna removed her ears from her face and looks at 59 and sat up and growled a bit.

"I-I'm not gonna act weird! Don't worry!" 59 whimpers.

Luna stopped her growling. She raised a brow as one of her ears flicked and pinned down. She turned back to 59. 59 Sat down across from her, their tails hanging off the branch and swaying around.

Luna looks at 59's head, "I've always wondered.. where are your ears?.."

"I don't have any!" 59 said happily.

"... and your happy your ears are gone?.."

"Oh. Uh no! I was born with no ears."


"Yeah. My mum is a cat punk and my dad is a stitchpunk. So, half!" 59 sways his tail around more.

"Huh.. intresting." Luna nods.

".. so how are you?.." 59 asked.

"I'm good. You?" Luna said.

"Good, hehe," 59 said, "... I'm sorry about before.. the singing and weird dances and that, heh.."

Luna giggled, "that's alright. I like your voice."



"Why thank you." 59 smiled proudly and pumped his chest out.

Luna raised her brow a bit and growled slightly. 59 stopped and slouched. Luna stopped growling.

"You're very cocky, aren't you?.."

"Define cocky.."

"Conceited or confident in a bold or cheeky way. I don't like men like that. I wanna see your real you." Luna sighed.

59's eyes went big and his head lowered down and looked up at her a bit.

Luna looked at him and giggles, "you're very cute though.."

59 smiled a bit. He then got an idea and jumped off the tree. Luna watched him confused. 59 ran off for a bit, then came back not long after. 59 jumped back up on the tree and climbed up back to Luna.

Luna smiles and tilts her head. 59 gave her a small flower made out of metal he had made. Luna blushed and took it, "Oh 59.."

59 smiled, "I made that myself.."

"Just then??"


"Awe." Luna put it on one of her ears, "thank you."

"Well, for an angel like you, deserves a shiny flower.."

Luna blushed heavier and looked away, "Oh stop!"

59 chuckles, "wanna go for a walk?"

Luna nods. 59 smiles and jumped off the tree with her. Luna and 59 stayed on their fours as they walked, their tails swaying around together.

59 looked at her and smiled, blushing slightly. Luna cooed and looked at him.

The two smiled at each other for a bit, before Luna kissed 59 on the lips. 59's eyes went wide and his tail flicked up.

She then pulled away and blushed. 59 smiles widely and had a love bb struck look on his face and purred. Luna giggled and circled around him. 59 watched her as she stopped at his left side, she cooed at him and wrapped her tail around his.

59 cooed back as they walked off, their tails, still wrapped around each other.

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