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9 was in the facility where 7 and 5 were taken after being kidnapped. 9 looks around, the place was a mess. Rocks, paper and ahses  everywhere. 9 glanced over to see a sleeping machine in front of a door.

9 cringed as he looked over at the other side of the facility, seeing a cage with 5 and 7 in it, most possibly uncouncious since they were laying down. 9 looked at the machine and quietly walked over to the cage. Once he had approached the cage, he slightly tapped on one of the bars.

"5.. 7.." he whispered.

5's head perked up and looked at 9. He smiled widely and stood up "9! You came-"

"Shhhh!" 9 put his index finger to his lips as they both looked at the machine. The machine growled in its sleep. 5 looked back at 9, 9 looking back at him, "is 7 awake? Did they hurt you guys?.." 9 whispered.

"No, shes not awake," 5 shook his head and whispered back, "and they haven't hurt us.. at least not yet."

"I won't let them!" 9 said quietly as he walked around to where 7 was as 5 kept an eye on the machine. 9 reached his hand through one of the gaps of the cage and shook 7 awake. 7 jumped a bit and looked at 9.


9 shushed her and pointed to the machine. 7 looked at the beast and nodded, then looked back at her mate, "how'd you find us??.." 7 whispered.

"I followed the machine tracks, I'm gonna get you two out of here, just hang on-" 9 whispered till he heard the machine stand up and the door open. 9 quickly hid behind some near by rocks as a female and a male punk walked out from the room and to the cage, both holding a few things.

7 growled a bit and kept 5 behind her. 9 watched as he grabbed a small shard that was close to him and held his lightstaff tightly. The female and male punk look at their prisoners and chuckle slightly.

"What's so funny?" 7 snapped.

"Just you, both of you." The female laughed and grabbed out two collars from a satch she was wearing. 5's eye went small as he crouched down a bit, still behind 7.

9 then ran out and tried to attack the two punks but the machine was quicker as it jumped on 9 and held him to the ground. 5 and 7 looked at 9 worriedly.

"Don't hurt him!!" 7 hissed and looked at the two punks, kicking the cage.

"Oh hush now 7, we don't wanna hurt him. At least not us." The male punk said. The female grabbed some Bolas she had made herself. She opened the cage door, and as 7 was about to run out and attack them, but the female the two Bolases at 7 as one wrapped around her legs and the other around her arms tightly as 7 fell back to the floor and growled, the female threw two more at 5 before he could go help 7, 5 falling back to the floor.

"NO!! Leave them be!!" 9 growled. The two punks walked up to 7 and 5 with two collar like straps. The male went to 5, pinned his head down and strapped the collar around his neck, the female doing the same to 7.

9 tried his hardest to get out the machines grip. The machine growled and tightened, the claws slightly going into his skin. 9 screamed a bit in pain.

"NINE-" 5 and 7 screamed till they were both stabbed by a tube with a purplish colour with a bit of red through it, the tube was in their neck with the collar strap. 5 and 7's eyes went small as the two other punks stabbed another tube of it and stabbed them in the back of their heads, then their back.

"What is that?!?!" 9 growled.

"That's for us to know." The male said.

"And for you to find out." The female giggled.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2020 ⏰

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