- 𝐎𝐍𝐄 : 𝗲𝗻𝗱

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* hello this is keisgf! uh this is my first time writing a fanfic like this (half normal fic/half chatfic) so please be patient with me because idk how this works (i barely read any chatfics cuz i have a short attention span) so i hope im doing this right LMAO *

[ third person ]


On a cold Friday afternoon, Miyashiro Hotaru's first relationship came to abrupt end.

the end

lol jk, imagine if that was the end

Her hands were clammy as she stood at the gate of the school. Her junior high was quiet, seemingly empty since everyone was in class right now. School was about to end, soon getting hectic after the bell rang to signal the end of the day. Students began pouring out of the school, making their way towards the gate to start their journey home. A few students who recognized Hotaru waved, a few asking why she hadn't come to school today.

"Ah, I had a family thing. I'm just here to see Kei-kun." She answered back almost lethargically, her smile not reaching her eyes. No one seemed to notice the change in her usual playful, whimsical behavior as they walked past her, saying a brief farewell.

The left side of her body rested against the smooth concrete foundation, using it as support as she waited for Tsukishima. The wind continued to blow harshly, nipping at her exposed skin that didn't have the privilege of being covered up right now.

When she spotted the large blond exit the school in the distance, she stood upright. He walked slowly, busying himself with his phone in his hand, unaware of her presence up ahead.

As he approached the gate, he saw her feet out of the corner of his eyes and tore his eyes away from his phone, glancing up at her. He rose an eyebrow when he saw his girlfriend standing there with her hands folded together at her waist, dressed unusually lightly in this cold weather. "What're you doing here? I thought you had something to do today?"

Hotaru tried smiled brightly, failing to make her feelings match the smile. "I wanted to see you."

The boy quirked a brow, tucking his phone into his pocket with a sigh. "Why?" Wrinkles formed between his brows from irritation that was building up.

"Because we're dating." She explained lightheartedly, feeling a slight ache in her chest when he rolled his eyes.

He shoved his hands in his pockets, glancing down her fingertips that were beginning to turn pink from the cold. "It's annoying if you go out of your way to do things like this. We've seen each other everyday of our lives. I think we can handle a day without seeing each other."

She blinked at him when a surge of pain shot through her heart at the words. "Am I bothering you?"

He scoffed lightly, "Yes, you are. All the time."

Hotaru faltered, biting her lips as this heavy feeling began to settle in her chest. It felt like like someone was sitting on her chest, obstructing her air pipes, preventing any air to pass through.

His expression had annoyance written all over it. His lips were tilted downwards and his jaw was taut, making him look more intimidating than usual. The creases between his eyebrows as he furrowed them, glaring at the ground, left her feeling small.

He truly wasn't angry with her. After his small incident with his brother- who had introduced Hotaru to Tsukishima when they were younger- his trust in others became shaky. How could he trust anyone after the one and only person he looked up to lied to him? Would she do the same?

Since Hotaru was always around, blabbing nonsense, his frustration was turned onto her, which led to the current situation at hand.

Pushing aside the negative thoughts in her mind for a moment, she swallowed thickly and looked up at him, meeting his sharp honey eyes. "Can we talk?"

One of his hands came up, scratching the back of his head as an exasperated sigh left his mouth. "I have to head home."

"It won't take long. I swear!" She tried to convince, feeling panic set in as the boy took a step towards her, making moves to walk away. "Kei, please,"

He stopped for a moment, standing beside the female with his head facing straight ahead. The blond didn't even glance down at her as she tugged on his sleeve, desperate to have him listen.

"Please, Kei." Her voice broke at the end, making his eyes flickered over to her for a moment. The sight of her distressed face only reminded him on his own brother who had that same look of desperation on their features. It made him recoil with distaste.

"Tch. I don't have any time to talk right now. We have all the time in the world to talk tomorrow, don't we?" He muttered, shaking off her arm and walking a few steps before Hotaru grabbed his jacket, yanking him roughly.

"Kei, please!"

He turned around, yanking her hands off his jacket with a small scoff. "Just stop already. I know you've only been hanging around me because of the attention you get as 'Tsukishima Kei's little girlfriend.' It's so annoying to be around you while you flaunt this fake relationship that only happened because my brother pretty much forced us."

Her hands slowly curled into a loose fist as she brought her arms close to her chest. Her heart tore in half as the boy glared down at her, scorning her for simply existing. "Kei..." Her bottom lip slightly protruded, chin trembling as tears began to prick her eyes. A lump formed in her throat, making it hard to breath. Her chest hurt so bad; the pain was physically unbearable. "Please..."

God, she felt so pathetic for showing such a lame side of herself in front of him. He was berating her yet all she could do was cry, unable to apologize for what she did wrong. [nuuu bb, u didn't do anything wrong ily (;•͈́༚•͈̀) ]

Her shaky hands reached out for him, trying to receive any type of comfort from the male who stood a foot away. When he jerked away from her touch, she knew whatever relationship she had with Tsukishima was over.

"There's nothing to talk about anymore." Tsukishima muttered as he shoved his hands in his pockets, turning on his heels to leave. His face twisted with guilt as her broken sobs filled his ears, echoing within the now empty school yard. With a loud, overly dramatic sigh, he turned around and shoved his gloves into her hands. Her crying halted for split second, stupidly thinking he was going to finally listen to her and comfort her like she hoped. Instead, looking up through tears, she only saw his retreating figure as he walked away without another glance.

"Kei," she cried as she buried her face in the gloves, praying for some kind of support during this time. "Don't leave me."

"Hotaru," A new voice called out, not surprising the female who continued to cry, sinking towards the floor. His arm snaked around her waist, catching the female before she could hit the ground. "Let's...just go."

As if she was a child, he picked her up with ease, placing a hand under her leg and on her back as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Her face was buried in his shoulder, soaking his black shirt with tears. He began their journey home, rubbing her back soothingly. At times like this, he was glad he was older than her, so he could provide the support from an elder she needed.

On a cold Friday afternoon, his new little sister had experienced her first heartbreak.

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