The souls of love.

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No1s pov.

Ink collected all the soukd as he stared at them blankley blueberry seemed to be counting while lust was talking to horror. "54...55. We have 55 souls." Said blue he then giggled "55. Souls we have" he seemed unglad "this is only a 8th of the au." He was very unhappy. He looked at ink, ink looked at dream "fine."  He said "yay!" Said blueberry. "No getting drunk though." Said ink sternly "oki oki." Says blue ofcourse as expected the bad guys were to much of fuck wits to know what it means. "Lets go clubbing!" Yelled out blue!

~time skip~

Shattereds pov

I was now dressed "just wait for them." I said we all heard singing. "If you cant afford me!" Sung ink "if you want me im not a piece of ass a 1 night stand!~"  He sunged we then heard a loud pillow fight. Ink and blue then "sorry about that." Said blue he had a blue hood that went down to his feet it had blood stains. Ink on the other hand had his hood off and you could see his outfit. To be continued

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