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The scene shows the group in the Dreamworld down at a replica of Destiny Islands. After the events yesterday, they went to get answers. Tonight was even the prom, but that still gave them a few hours to figure out what's going on. Strelitzia finished explaining the events they witnessed.

Arcturus: so, Pestilence messed with the mako, and as a result, put all of us in a shared dream where we're normal people?

Strelitzia: yes. It's designed to bring you to a world of your deepest desires. To help further it, it even attempts to alter your memories to match with the reality you're in. And longer you stay here, the more you'll begin to believe that this is real.

Sora: so, how do we get out?

Strelizia: lucky for us, you still have a chance of escape. In this work, there's an exit point that will take you out of here, and back to the real world.

Kairi: well, there's still one thing on my mind: how are you here?

Strelizia: I guess you could thank Richard, or as I know him, Tyr, for that. He found my heart after my death, and said he'll help me. Right now, one of you holds my heart.

Riku: then, does that mean there's a chance you can return?

Strelizia: honestly, it's not important if whether or not I do come back.

Naminé: why not? Arc's dad saved you for a reason.

Xion: yeah. When we get back, we can bring you back.

Strelizia: (shyly) but... I'm not important.

Arcturus: don't be like that. Ventus remembers what happened. He blames himself for what happened.

Strelizia: he does? But, I don't... I know what happened to him, and I don't blame him.

Roxas: then that's why we need you back. You can finally give him some closure.

Arcturus: look, we'll escape first, then when we get back, we'll help you back.

Seeing that she wasn't gonna win this argument, she accepted. However, things start changing, and soon the group found themselves back to their homes where they were getting dressed for the prom.

Arcturus: what the-? What's going on?

Strelizia: (before she disappears) the reality's trying to repair itself to keep you guys from escaping. You have to hurry or you'll never wake up!


Axel and Reno were still clashing. While the others were dealing with what's happening, the fight with Reno went of for a bit. It was clear Axel was better, but Reno still kept going.

Reno: you're actually keeping up. I never thought I'd see the day.

Axel: unlike you, I learn a thing or two. So, you finally ready to admit we're not behind this?

Reno: oh, I knew the whole time. I just wanted to beat you.

Axel: you little—!

???: hey!

Both of them are disarmed by Lightning's gunblade, she punches Axel in the gut, and kicks Reno very hard in the groin. Both collapse and the others arrived not soon after.

Lightning: (sheaths gunblade) if you two are done fighting like children, we have work to do.

Yasuke: Soulless are heading for the town. My team's already there, but we'll need back up.

Axel: (stands up) you're right. Sorry guys.

Reno: (groans) my balls...

Lightning: stop whining. You didn't have any to begin with.

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