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The scene shows the FireFly in the world map with the team leaving San Fransokyo. They were examining the DNA sample Arc got from Repliku and they were going over the results. He was in a lab coat and had goggles on to get a closer look at the sample.

Sora: okay, I get the goggles, but why the lab coat, Arc?

Arcturus: what? I gets me in character.

Donald: did you find anything?

Arcturus: (pulls goggles on forehead) actually yes. We were right; the Riku we saw is in fact a replica. I don't know how Vexen did it, but he managed to recreate an actual living being, right down to the last atom. The "Repliku" we saw may look 15 years old, but these cells show he could be no older then a few weeks.

Sora: okay, that's bizarre.

Donald: what's a Repliku?

Arcturus: well, we can't call him Riku the second.

Goofy: he does have a point. (Beat) so, if Vexen created Repliku, does that mean there's a chance he made more replicas?

Arcturus: most likely. Xehanort's been planning this for a long time. All the members of his new Organization were given new bodies, but even a genius like him couldn't have made this many this fast. Which means they must've had outside help to make them.

Donald: can we use this DNA to make more?

Clara: unfortunately, we can't. Once a replica's been given a heart, the DNA rewrites itself to match the heart's genetic marker. The only thing we'd clone form this is another Riku.

Sora: (disappointed) which means we're back to square one.

Arcturus: (removes goggles and coat) don't give up, buddy. We're close to figuring this out. For now, we'll keep helping others.

They then heard ringing and Sora sees its it call from Chip and Dale. They head to the main room and Sora patches the call into the intercom.

Sora: hey guys, what's up?

Dale: we got baaad news!

Arcturus: what's wrong?

Chip: (pulls Dale off the phone) we totally lost contact with the King and Riku! They're all on their own in the realm of darkness!

Everyone: what?!

Sora: see? I knew I shoulda gone!

Donald: Chip, how do we get to 'em?

Sora: (annoyed) now we can ask?

Arcturus: let's not play the blame-game. What's matters is getting there now.

Goofy: it's not like we can use that big old door anymore. It's completely gone.

Sora: yeah, we closed it after beating Ansem.

Jiminy: and we certainly can't ask the King or Riku.

Sora: 'cause you wouldn't let me ask.

Dale: only King Mickey can open a door to the realm of darkness.

Chip: it's because he has a special Keyblade of darkness. He figured out how to make it open the way.

Goofy: gawrsh, what'll we do then?

Arcturus: that can't be the only way.

Clara: what are you thinking, partner?

Arcturus: the Organization, or people with special connections to darkness, can open corridors to that place. With a giant place like that, there'd have to be a back door of some kind to gain access.

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