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The scene begins in the Dark World. The Realm of Darkness has been a place of mystery and superstition. Some say it's a hostile place inhabited by the darkest of creatures. Others, that it's a prison, for those who've been outcasted. Regardless, all agree on a common word to describe it; Hell.

Deep in this place, two wielders of light were walking down, searching for their friend. They were Riku and King Mickey. The two kept walking until Riku suddenly stops.

Mickey: what's wrong, Riku? Are you tired? Do you need a break? We can stop.

Riku: no, just... I've been here. I should know this place. But that all seems like another life.

Mickey: (walks over to him) well, gee. Think of all you've seen! All the feelings you've felt. Why, you've done years of growin' in almost no time at all.

Riku: (doesn't respond immediately) I remember my first time here. I was so scared. (Tcst) but now, my doubts and fears are gone. If anything, I feel exhilarated. (Places hand on his heart) and it's not because there's darkness in me— I know too well what that rush is like. This is different. And it's not adrenaline either. I know Aqua needs us... but I'm ready.

(A little over ten years ago, three Keyblade wielders, Terra, Aqua, and Ventus, all fought against Xehanort. But, it resulted badly for them. Terra's possessed by the madman himself, Ventus lost his heart and is now in a coma, and Aqua was sent into the Dark World. She had a chance to escape, but gave it up to save Riku's life.)

Riku: I'm in control now. (Tsct) maybe it's because you're with me this time.

Mickey: (shakes his head no) it's not me. I think it's because you've finally found inside you that special strength to protect what matters.

Riku: what?

Mickey: sometimes you care so much for somebody that other feelings disappear. And then, there's no room for fear or doubt.

Riku: is that it?

He then has a flashback to years ago when he met Terra. On the day he was passed the power to. Originally, Riku was chosen to wield the Keyblade, but when he gave into darkness, he lost his power. But, with the help of Sora and his friends, Riku gained a new power.

Riku: "Strength to protect what matters"... it reminds me of a promise I made.

Mickey: to who?

Riku: just someone I once met. Can't tell.

Mickey: sounds like a good memory.

Riku: yeah... (beat) while we're reminiscing— Mickey, does any of this look familiar?

Mickey: (looks around) sort of, but the realm of darkness has changed since I was here with Aqua.

Riku: yeah, it's different from what I remember.

Mickey: usually, I'd just follow my heart, and Aqua would show me the way. But the closer I get, the hazier our connection feels.

Riku: you mean...

Mickey: (knowing what's he saying) maybe, but we can't give up hope.

Riku: yeah.

They resumed walking and eventually found themselves at the dark shores. If there was one common thing about this realm, is that no matter what direction you go to, you always wind up back here. After the final battle from their last adventure, Sora and Riku had found themselves on this shore. This was also the last known location Aqua was at.

Riku: this beach...

Mickey: (walks ahead) it's gone.

Riku: huh?

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