Chapter 14: The Nether Key

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(awsome_zman's POV)
I was taking watch when I noticed something on the ground. It was a large crack. I ran and got the others. They crouched over it when I decided to jump onto the other side of the crack.
It started to break off and everyone jumped onto it. We began plummeting until the chunk hit the lava, then we began aimlessly drifting until we washed ashore in some cave. I ran inside when I noticed a powerful glow emitting from inside. I rounded a corner and saw a weird-looking Nether Star in a wide chamber.
I took a step forward and looked around. There was no one else here. My friends arrived and I reached for the Nether Star. Suddenly, a Wither Bomb exploded under my feet, sending me across the room.
I looked up to see WitherMU and the Wither. I drew my sword and said, "You." "Yes, me." WitherMU replied. I yelled and charged at him, sword raised.
He drew a sword made of withered bone and blocked my attack with ease. Micah came in from behind and leaped at WitherMU. He sidestepped Micah and he landed on top of me.
"I always knew you liked me." I teased. We got up and joined our friends in the fight. I ran behind a boulder close to the Wither. I tackled it and it knocked me off.
"Foolish human." The Wither laughed. "What did you hope to gain through that?" "That." I said and pointed to a C4 I had placed on its back. I pulled out the detonator and hit the button. The Wither screamed at me before it went out with a bang.
The shock wave sent me and WitherMU against the wall. I grabbed the Mega Nether Star and stared down at WitherMU. He was grabbing his head and saying, "Run. I can't hold him off much longer." Realizing he was talking about Herobrine, I yelled, "RUN!"
We charged out of the cave and began the climb back to base. When we were eating dinner, Rand asked, "What was he talking about back there?" "It seems that beings of immense power are controlling them." I explained. "By killing the Wither, he was temporarily free before Herobrine, a being of virtually infinite power, took control of him."
After that confusing explanation, we all went to bed. I drifted to sleep knowing we were close to accessing the dimension. Herobrine is vulnerable.

Hey guys! I can't believe this story has approximately 1.05K reads! It's incredible! Thanks a whole lot!

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