Chapter 15: Tnt: Trolling and Technology

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(awsome_zman's POV)
We packed all our stuff and left camp. We saw the portal back home. It was blocked by a wall of cobblestone. I examined it and said, "We're gonna need a device of a large volume that triggers rapid combustion."
"A what?" Matthew asked. I let out a sigh and replied, "A big bomb, dummy." I took out a large c4, placed it on the wall, detonated it, and looked away. "COOL GUYS DONT LOOK AT EXPLOSIONS!" I yelled.
The blast attracted some unwanted attention. As the others ran through the portal, I ran through several guards and into Herobrine's mansion and placed a massive nuke in the middle. Skybrine entered the room and saw the bomb. I ran at him, took his sunglasses, and said, "Can I borrow these? Thanks."
I walked out of the mansion with the sunglasses on as the nuke exploded. I threw the sunglasses into the blast and ran into the portal. I exited, quickly broke the portal and mined up one block of obsidian. We ran through the forest and finally got out of the trees.
After the mayhem in the Nether, we were low on supplies. We walked for miles, searching for a village. Finally, we decided to go mining and hopefully find some fish in the water down there. We entered the dark cave and pulled out our diamond picks. I walked down a long, dark, damp tunnel when I thought I saw a faint, flickering glow.
Then it hit me: this tunnel was way too perfect to be natural. I ran through the tunnel to find what looked like the entrance to a huge base. "GUYS! You need to see this!" I shouted. They ran over and gasped at the massive base.
"Let's split up." I suggested. I entered what seemed to be an armory. I gaped at all the incredible tech that I found. Suddenly, I whirled around after I heard a sound.
I ran towards the noise. The others were right behind me. "Guys, did you hear that sound too?" I asked. They all nodded.
"Draw your rifle and put on a flashlight attachment." I ordered. We all turned the rifle flashlights on. As we searched the base, it began to look really familiar. I could almost feel and hear my heart practically pumping out of my chest. I rounded the corner when I saw movement.
"AAAAAAGH!" I screamed and we all started spraying bullets everywhere. As we calmed down, we saw a dead rat in the rifle light. After about ten seconds, I heard footsteps. I pointed my rifle in the direction of the sound.
In the dim light, I saw the silhouette of a humanoid. "Put your hands up and show yourself! Don't make any suspicious movements or we'll shoot!" I yelled. They put their hands up and approached us, saying, "Matt? Is that you?"
I recognized the voice almost immediately. "Carson?" I replied. He came into view, asking, "Is this any way to treat a friend?" "Sorry, we thought this place was abandoned, so we got a little jumpy when we heard you." I apologized.
"What are you doing here?" He asked. "I could ask you the same thing." I replied. "Well, after the battle, I was one of the four-fifths of the captured survivors. We were locked in our own castle's prison." He began.
"We were put to work and only had one meal a day. One day, I knocked out one of the guards, took its weapon, and made a run for it. I've been hiding here ever since." He said. "Yeah, about that, where are we anyways?" I asked.
"A Sky Army base that was abandoned after the battle." Carson answered. Suddenly everything fit in place. I remembered going to a base exactly like this one a month before it had all started. It was the same one.
I turned to Carson and said, "I think we can all make use out of this place." I began to tinker with the technology and managed to create a machine that created matter. We began to create powerful weapons. We supplied Carson with materials and weaponry, and we managed to get new supplies as well.
We created one last thing: a machine that teleported materials to a waypoint, which we had. That way Carson could always supply us with materials when we contacted him with video communicators. We said our goodbyes and went off to continue our adventure.

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