Test Papers (wangxian)

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Third Person POV

"I'm so dead"

Lan Jingyi was never known for his academics. Despite this, he was still a rather promising discipline of the Lan Clan. However, this time, he really did mess up.

"Don't worry, I'm sure you did just fine." comforted Lan Sizhui.

"No, this time...I for sure failed. How was I supposed to know the 2634th rule of the Lan Clan off the top of my head?" asked a panicked Jingyi.

"This is your clan, I thought you guys would have this stuff memorized by now." uttered Jin Ling.

Many promising young disciples had been sent to Cloud Recess in order to attend the lectures. Jin Ling was one of them. After each lecture, it was mandatory that they completed a test to ensure that they were paying attention during these lectures. Most lectures were held by Lan Qiren, given that he was the Grand Master, however this lecture in particular was held by someone much more terrifying, HanGuang Jun.

HanGuang Jun had always been known for his pristine manners. He was the most respected disciple in the Lan Clan. Him along with his brother, who shared his good looks and manners, were known as the twin jades. This changed when HanGuang Jun took the side of the seemingly evil Yiling patriarch, Wei Wuxian. After a long battle and Wei Wuxian proving his innocence, the two of them eloped together.

Months later, Lan Qiren asked Wangji to visit Cloud Recess once again to do a lecture for the young disciples. When Lan Qiren asked this, he was well aware that Wei Wuxian would be tagging along. He didn't mind, in fact he was rather happy to see Wei Wuxian, given that he played a big part in ending the Wen Clan and the evil Jin Guangyuao.

"Guys....this is serious! What if I get punished?" asked a worried Jingyi.

"Do not panic, you probably did better than you think." replied a calm and collected Sizhui.

"If you're so worried, why don't we go into his room and take your test sheet. Then when he realizes that it is missing, he'll make you take it again." offered and indifferent Jin ling.

Jingyi and immediately beamed at this offer.

"You-you're- THATS A GREAT IDEA!" yelled Jingyi, almost awaking the Clan.

It was 8:30pm, 30 minutes before their curfew. They divised a plan to sneak into their senior's room and take the test papers. With some convincing, Sizhui finally agreed to the idea and the three of them went off.

Wangji's room was only a few minutes away from theirs. It was going perfect, they were right in front of his room when they were stopped by a passer by.

"What are you juniors doing out this late?"

The man seemed to be much older than the three. He had his long hair all up in a bun and a dark moustache.

Jingyi and Jingyi both panicked thinking that they were caught until Sizhui spoke up.

"Thank you, Senior for your concern. We were actually on our way to our rooms."

"I see. Alright go ahead, it's nearly curfew."

The three bowed and quickly made their way past him.

"That was close!" muttered Jingyi.

"Yea..but it doesn't matter. We're here." said Jin ling pointing to the dark room infront of them.

The three headed inside and found a desk with test papers set neatly to the side. The three were about to look through them when they heard a candle flicker. Sizhui immediately pulled the other two behind a black privacy screen.

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