Dogs (wangxian)

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Third Person's POV

"Fineeee just hurry back!

After marrying and becoming cultivation partners, it was difficult to find Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji not together. The two were joined at the hip. Today, the two set off on a night hunt after hearing about ferocious ghosts in the area. They had already dealt with the ghosts (who were not ferocious after all) and now strolled through the busy city streets.

"Wei Ying, brother asked me to get him something from that stand."

Wei Ying didn't really want to part with his husband, but seeing as though it was for his brother, he let it slide.

"Fineee just hurry back!"

With that Wangji left his husband. Wei somehow decided that he wanted Wangji to catch him falling out of a tree when he came back, so he set off to find a suitable tree. The street they were on was right beside a forest, so Wei entered the forest.

He continued to walk until he found a decent tree, when he suddenly found himself frozen with fear.

At the other side of the tree he choose, stood a large pack of dogs. Every single one seemed to be at Wei's waist.

Wei Wuxian has long been afraid of dogs. It started back when he was a child. He was a beggar on the streets, which resulted in him often fighting with dogs for food. This made him terrified of said creatures.

"B-ba-back a-away"

Is all the could stutter. The dogs immediately looked at him and charged towards him, barking at the top of their lungs. Wei ran as fast as he could (which was not very fast to begin with). He weaved in and out of the trees in an attempt to lose the creature but to no success. He felt like he could run no more and slumped down against a tree.

"S-stay away"

The dogs did not listen. Wei could feel the tears falling down his face. He was beyond petrified. The dogs moved in closer until he was surrounded. The barks were getting intolerable for Wei.

Wei felt a sudden sting on his right arm. He looked down to see that one of the dogs had bitten the arm. Blood was steadily flowing out.

"L-lan Zhan! Please save me!"

The sound of the zither was heard and all the dogs were sent flying back. Wangji for some reason always was able to intimidate animals when necessary. The dogs ran the other way. Wangji ran to his bleeding husband. The sight broke his heart.

Wei say there slumped against a tree. His hair was messier than usual, his eyes looked terrified, tears stained his face. His left arm was holding the bleeding right arm.

"Lan Zhan."

Uttered Wei. The voice was soft and almost unheard. Wangji moves to his husband and quickly wrapped the injured arm up with a piece of his clothing. He took out a satchel filled with herbs and gently treated it, all the while listening to his husband's quiet sobs.

As soon as he was done he embraced Wei.

"I am here."

Wei felt himself surrounded by warmth. Wangji's familiar smell helped him calm down.

"Y-you are here."

Wangji hugged him even tighter. When Wangji felt his husbands heartbeat stop beating uncontrollably, he slowly pulled away to look at his face. He placed on of his hands on his cheek and caressed it.

He moved closer and placed his lips on Wei's cheek and began kissing the tears away.

Wei hummed in satisfaction.

Once he was done, Wangji went back to hugging him. Wei finally felt calm. He took Wangji's face in his hands.

"Thank you. I have such a great husband."

He said with a smile.


Wei pulled Wangji into a gently kiss.

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