2. What was my fault?

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It's obvious for everyone that we're late. But Eva is not late; because of her luck. But me and Oma we are late.

When I entered my cabin I saw my boss is standing there; He was checking some papers. Arun Jackson is my boss.

Kiara: Good morning ,sir!

[He looked back at me and put the papers on the table; then he looked at his watch]

Arun: you are 15 min late, no no not only you. Where is oma?

[Oma was behind my back and she was trying to tie her shoes less. She stands up]

Oma: Sir! here I am.

Arun: You guys are my favourite but you're always late; isn't it too much?

[I came froward to him and said;]

Kiara: Sir! please; I can't say this is the last time but please.

Arun: Forget it; Next month we've a important project. It's My Childhood friends wedding.

Oma: wow! childhood friend!

Arun: And he gave the deal to me. I hope you guys won't disappointed me.

Kiara: Don't worry sir! we will do our best.

Arun: By the way,Oma, where is our photographer?

[ Oma was little bit shocked to hear about the photographer.]

Oma: Sir; Tony is not available for his exam. And we have to call Mathew.

Arun: What?[ With an annoying face ]
Mathew is a great photographer but his habbits are too annoying. Whatever I think we should go for Mathew.

Kiara: Sir, We have no choice;Mathew is the best photographer.

Arun: He is very iritating also; Okay I have to tell you one more thing. After a week on 23 September their engagement. So, call everyone to my cabin. I have to talk.

( Arun walk towards the door and exist from the room )
[ I sit on my chair]

Kiara: What? After a week!

Oma: I'm sure boss will give the responsibility to us, Oh God! Our population will get double if people started marrying like this. It should stop for a month, right?

Kiara: What!

[ Oma sits infront of me and drink a glass of water and said, ]

Oma: If there was a month when there will be no ceremony, no wedding; then We could go for a vacation right?

Kiara: Yes; I'm also tired of working the whole year.

Oma: Yes just Friday is our best day. Oh! we have to tell every one.

(  Everyone went to Arun's cabin. Arun was siting on his chair and he was scrolling  his phone; he did not even look at us but start talking )

Arun: This month how many occasions are booked?

Eima: Sir! Almost four occasion.One Birthday, two receptions and Anniversary.

Arun: You guys have to arrange it without Kiara and Oma. Because they are going to arrange an important ceremony.

Dyan: But,sir?

Kiara: How will they do that ? Without any instructions! [ I was totally shocked!]

Arun: They will have to.

[ We are the main instructor without us they won't be able to do it. Everyone is tensed now ]

Vira: Sir, without kiara and Oma madam we won't be able....

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