7. Ryan's Attitude

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Next day I was in my cabin; I was busy with doing some design as Martina said. Martina is such an adorable girl. Her dreams are like fairy tales.
Okay my design has completed; Now I have a meeting with her in 12.00 pm.

I completed my work in time; that was an amazing feeling. I was relaxing on my chair, closing my eyes I was thinking about a vacation in a large beach. A sunny weather and a lot of refreshments then again someone spolied it.

When I opened my eyes it was again that alien. Actually this guy has no work without troubling me.
Now Why has he come here? Not only that Alien but also along with our kangaroo.

Usually you have to stand when your boss comes to your cabin. Have to ask if he needs any help? But I don't think Arun deserves that much respect from me after what he had done.

[ They came and sits, Arun call me very dearly]

Arun: Hey Kiara...!

[ But after seeing that Alien I was really not in a good mood ]

Kiara: Hm.

Arun: Ryan came here to take you.
[ What does he mean by take? I control my anger and with an unwanted smile said,]

Kiara: Where to take?

[ Ryan look at me and said]

Ryan: Did you forget we cancelled the visit yesterday? Today we have to go.

Kiara: Oh ! Okay. I wish I could have the hammer with me; then I don't have to tolerate this shit.
[ I was takling with myself ; Arun pock me]

Arun: Did you say something?

[ I really wanted to teach him a lesson so how could I miss the chance]

Kiara: No I'm just thinking about 90 roses.

Arun understood that Eva told us everything. But Ryan was in a confusion by their conversation. Arun cold his eyes towards me.

Ryan: What?

Arun: Bro! leave it; nothing serious.

Ryan: Okay, Kiara I'm waiting outside. come fast.

(Ryan exist )
[ Now I can tease him properly]

Kiara: So Mr. coolest boy how was the Joke?

[ He become silent and then said]

Arun: It was not a joke Okey?. It was my 1st love.

[Maybe he still loves her]

Kiara: Oh! Is it still your love?

Arun: Aaaaa....amam...eh.

[He was feeling shy]

Kiara: Don't say it; please don't make me cry. I know you still can't forget your 1st love. Okay bye; I will give you the sympathy later and let me tell you today Mathew will came.

I went and again sit beside that Alien but suddenly I remember I've a meeting with Martina and it's 11.30 am. I just screamed "Oh! shit". I told him to stop the car.He becomes irritated.

Ryan: What happened?

Kiara: I forget ;I've a meeting with Martina. I can't go with you.

Ryan: Okay, but when is your meeting?

Kiara: 12.00 pm

Ryan: Okay then I'll take you there; give me the address.

Kiara: it's okay ; I don't need your help. I can go with my own.

Ryan: Listen Kiara I've many important work I can't waste my another day in it. So; give me the adress.

Kiara: You yourself wasting your time don't blame me Okey?

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