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First Name: Luna Ophelia

Middle Name: Leilani

Last Name: Cordelia

Prefers to be called Ophelia

Nationality: Born in Russia, raised in Japan for a few years.

Quirk: She can create living, and nonliving things that appear in her mind.

Quirk: Fairy Queen. She can summon any sort of magical, and non magical creature. But she can also summon demons.

She has three personalities. The other two don't show up unless absolutely necessary. One is a demon, the other is an angel. They talk to her in her head a lot. She doesn't like to use her Fairy quirk though, even if it is one of a kind. Her two personalities protect her, and are her family.

As a side effect of her quirks her hair changes color. Much like Nymphadora Tonks in the Harry Potter series. But the color is white 95% of the time. If anything it shows her emotions.

Red: Get the heck outta here. I'm going big, I ain't going home. Anger. Leave her alone

Blue: She's sad about something. Hurt. give her a hug.

White: Neutral. She was born with this color.

Dark green: Disgust or envy. Get her some spicy ramen.

Rainbow: She's overly happy. Let her be, she's rarely happy.

White with streaks: Whatever she's feeling she's trying to keep it under wraps. Leave her be.

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