If You Were Gone (1)

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Chapter 1

     The cold winter air blew through my short red hair as I walked silently to the church, Daniels hand held tightly in mine. I looked down and studied him. He long dark brown hair that was combed over to the left side; the obvious work of my mothers. His light brown eyes turned red and puffy. I squeezed his hand and pulled him in closer. I wasn't going to let him go.

     Behind us, my older sister, Clarissa, led our parents in; one wrapped around either arm. My mom held a crumpled up tissue to her eye, while my dad walked, standing tall. He tried putting off the impression that he was being strong, but it was no use, his eyes gave it away. They looked as if all the life had been sucked out of the world, they had dark circles around them due to the sleepless nights he has been having. He walked as if he were a ghost.

    I reached behind me with my free hand and grabbed hold of my dad's hand. His tired eyes met mine. I squeezed his hand for some reassurance, he nodded in response.

     A replay of that day played in my head. For the past four days, that's all that has been going on. I watched it over and over without control. What had happened hung over me like the sky.

     Four days ago, I was lying peacefully on the couch, my arms gently laid behind my head, my feet spread out in front of me. I don't know how long I was laying there but I was quickly snapped back into the present when I felt my phone vibrate within my pocket. I groaned and picked it up.

     "Talk to me," I answered using my standard greeting.

     "Kasey, can you come pick me up?" Mariah's voice filled my ear.

    "Can't you get a ride from someone?" I asked feeling extra lazy and not wanting to take a five minute drive to go and pick her up from band practice.

     "Why can't you pick me up?" She replied. I could sense the annoyance in her voice.

     "Because, don't you remember last night? You said you hated me and that you were 'done.'" I said putting air quotes around done. 

     She sighed. "Kasey, come on."

     "Nope. Can't you find a ride?"

     She paused. "Yeah, I can ask Raven for a ride. Thanks for nothing." That was followed by the dial tone. I stuck my phone back in my pocket.     

       If Mariah wanted to be done with me, then so be it. She can walk to school for all I care because I, for one, am not going to drive her. I wasn't worried though. We always get into these sort of fights. We yell, we say we hate each other, someone says something ridiculously stupid, we both crack up laughing making all tension between us vanish instantly. It was our own personal cycle.

            I laid my head back onto the soft leather of the couch, closing my eyes. I let my mind drift off as I tried to fall asleep. I don't know how long I laid there. It could have been minutes, maybe hours. But I know one thing, it didn't feel long. I laid there only to be disturbed by my mother's yell.

            "Kasey!" I heard her call from the kitchen.

            I groaned and got up slowly. "Yeah?"

            "Did you ever go pick up Mariah?" She asked as I walked into the kitchen. She was standing in front of the stove, stirring. The kitchen was full of the familiar scent of White Soup, one of the many dishes that I love from the Philippines ', my mom's birthplace.

            "No. She said that she was going to get a ride from Raven," I answered taking in a big whiff of the delicious smell. I sighed.

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