Chapter 5

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Harry had to get used to performing with a cast on his wrist. Having a cast made it really hard to things, especially since the wrist that had a cast on it was his dominant hand. He was pretty much useless with a broken wrist which he wasn't happy about. He couldn't work out either since it could damage his wrist even more, so Harry had to just sit around on his tour bus and relax when he's not doing any shows. He luckily doesn't have any shows for a few days which he's happy about.
The only good thing about having a broken wrist was that John was leaving him alone. Harry knew it was only temporary though. He knew that once the newness of his injury was gone, John would be back to beating him senseless. Harry hates John, and he's never said that about anyone before. But he really does hate John, he hates the beatings John gives him, he hated the words John says to him during every beating. Just everything about John he hates, and he never has hate towards anyone. Harry has always been loving and accepting to everyone.
But because John is Harry's bodyguard, he has to be with Harry ever time he leaves his hotel room or tour bus so that he doesn't get hurt. He wishes he could go somewhere without John, he really does but he has no choice if he wants to go out shopping. But if he doesn't want to get beaten, then he has to listen and do whatever John tells him to do.
But he was tired of being afraid, tired of having to do things Johns way. So Harry decides to leave his tour bus and go shopping without John there, it was risky but he was willing to take his chances. He wanted to be free from John for a few hours and have fun. So Harry snuck out of the tour bus without John or anyone knowing, and took a taxi to the mall. Harry smiled as he watched the tour bus get smaller and smaller as the cab drove him away.
He was finally able to relax and enjoy himself for the first time since hiring John. Harry didn't know what he wanted to do first, go eat? Go to different stores and buy clothes? The possibilities are endless! Harry decided to go to the first place he could think of, Gucci, he really wanted to buy some new shirts. So he told the taxi driver to drive him to the nearest Gucci store and once he was there, he paid the driver and ran inside before anyone saw him. Harry couldn't risk being seen and John finding out through Twitter where he was at.


He went from store to store, shopping and just enjoying himself all day long. Harry could feel his phone ringing over and over again but he ignored it, which he knew was a big mistake. But this was the first time he's been happy and having a fun time in months, so he was taking in as much of it as he could. When Harry finally decided to look at his phone, he saw one hundred missed calls from John. He swallowed hard as he looked around worriedly, hoping that John didn't know were he was at yet. He wasn't ready to face John yet, not after having so much fun today. Harry didn't want his day ruined by John.
Harry decided to walk, not wanting to stay in the same place incase John was out looking for him. He knew John was, but he wanted to make sure he was somewhere else so that John would have a harder time looking for him. What he really wasn't expecting was for John to come up from behind and pick him up roughly. Harry had totally forgotten that he had find my iPhone still turned on and that John was able to track where he's at through that app.
John shoved Harry roughly into his car, throwing the bags of stuff Harry had boughten into the trunk. He got into the drivers side and gave Harry a death glare, making Harry cower into the corner of his seat. Harry majorly messed up and he knew that, and he also knew that he was about to get the beating of a life time when they got back on the tour bus. John suddenly grabbed Harry's arm with his right hand and started yelled at him as he drove with his left hand.

"I have been looking for you all day Harry! We have all been so worried about you! You are such a ducking idiot Harry! You know you can't go anywhere without me! Yet you leave without telling anyone and most importantly, you left without taking me with you!"

"I I'm sorry John I I won't do it again"

"You better not! And I'll make sure to show you why you aren't going to do this again as soon as we get back to the tour bus!"

Harry gulped hard as he shook against the his seat. When he looked down at his hands, he saw that they were shaking. He squeezed his hands into tight fists so that John didn't see what effect he had on him. John didn't need to know that he scared, no TERRIFIED Harry.
Harry wanted to cry his eyes out when he saw the tour bus getting closer. He knew what was approaching and he was terrified to find out what John was going to do to him. He watched John get out of the car and he shook even more when John opened up his door and yanked him out of the car by his arm. He couldn't run away since John kept a firm grip on his arm as he pretty much dragged Harry to the tour bus.
John picked Harry up and threw him into the tour bus, slamming the door behind him. Harry's head slamming into the wall when he landed on the floor, his body sliding to the wall behind him. He grabbed his head and cried in pain. But this was just the beginning. John started kicking and punching him continuously as hard as he could. Harry started balling his eyes out as he shielded his head from the harsh kicks and punches John was giving him.

"This is what you get for disobeying me! When I tell you you can't go anywhere without me I fucking mean it! And until you listen to me! This is going to keep happening! I'm not having this behavior Harry! Why do you have to be so fucking stupid!?"

"I I'm s sorry J John! I I'll l listen to y you m more!"

"Sorry doesn't cut it! Especially when you continuously disobey me!"

John picked Harry up and threw him into the bunk area of the bus and continued to punch and kick him as hard as he could. He even was hitting Harry's head and broken wrist multiple times. Causing Harry to cry out. What Harry wasn't expecting was for John to take off his belt and start whipping Harry with the belt. He whipped Harry's unclothed skin with the belt, making sure to hit the same spots over and over again. Harry sobbed harder and harder the more he whipped him.

"O ow! P please stop John it h hurts!"

"Good! I hope that it does! This is what happens when you don't listen to me! For being so fucking stupid!"

Finally after what felt like an eternity, John finally stopped and left Harry alone on his tour bus, sobbing his heart out and in an immense amount of pain. Johns beatings are getting worse, and he's not sure how much longer he can take it.

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