Chapter 40: The Akatsuki

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*the picture is Mia's new outfit, do not own the outfit, just thought it looked cool*

As time went on in the Sand Village, Temari convinced me to get a change of wardrobe. It consisted of black pants, like my old outfit, but the top was a light brown and red with long sleeves that covered my hands.

In the memories of my mother that I had she had worn a similar outfit in our village. I stepped out of my room and showed her, which earned a gasp of awe.

"That looks amazing on you." I smiled lightly.

"Thanks, it reminds me of my mother. She used to dress in similar fashion."

"For wind style users it's not uncommon, especially with your ice abilities, this suits you." Okami barked in agreement, he was now fully grown, roughly the size of an average wolf. He had become an incredible asset in battle and I couldn't imagine going into a fight without him.

"Are you sure Gaara doesn't want us to go with him to the Leaf Village?" I questioned as I walked with her outside.

"He said he's fine with Kankuro just going with him. I'm sure they'll be okay." I looked down.

"I know, I have faith in Kankuro to protect Gaara, but I...just worry." She chuckled.

"I worry too, they are my brothers after all. But I know they'll be okay." The amount of faith Temari had in her family was enough to make me feel less nervous.

"Right." We made our way to the entrance of the village where Gaara and Kankuro were waiting with several other Shinobi.

"I thought it was just you and Kankuro going?" Temari asked when we stepped forward.

"It is, they just wanted to escort us to the border." Kankuro stated.

"We could've done that." I puffed out. Gaara looked at me in surprise at my new outfit.

"Your outfit..." He trailed off as his face grew a little flushed.

"Temari's idea. I do agree that it suits me though." I smiled.

"It does." He agreed, but I could see that Kankuro wanted to get going.

"You should get a move on or you'll be late. Say hi to my dad and everyone for me." I waved.

"Will do." Kankuro answered, him and Gaara's escort taking them out of the village.

"Want to get some training in?" Temari asked once they were out of view.

"Sure, there's some new wind style jutsu I want to get perfected."


After training with Temari for several hours I felt like my body was about to collapse.

"That's enough for today, let's get home and make some dinner." She smiled as Okami barked happily about the food.


As we walked I could see her looking at me out of the corner of my eye.

"What is it?"

"Oh, I was just thinking about how different you are now then you were when we first met. I mean you hated Kankuro and I, but aside from that you were a lot more distance and cold towards people. Now you are happy and always wanting to help others. You've grown a lot stronger as well."

"I see, well I will agree that I have changed. Helping people has always been something I've done but just more in the shadows then out in front of everyone." I chuckled, but stopped when I sensed something on the wind.

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