Chapter 47: Darkness Consumes

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Several more days passed as Konan sat with me. Her and Pain told me of their connection to Naruto's godfather.

"But if you were his apprentices, then why? Why do all of this?" I was genuinely curious.

"Peace cannot be achieved the way the world is now." Pain stated.

"Much how you understand the world you knew. Pain, death and sorrow. This way no one has to feel that way again." Konan muttered.

"Can't there be a way without the Tailed Beasts? Why do they have to die?"

"I understand your conflict, much as you are a jinchurki, you are not the same."


"Shei is a man-made beast."


Shei is it true?


Why didn't you tell me?

I told you there were some things about me you were better off not knowing...

So the darkness of this world consuming meant the people who turned you into this?


"Who made Shei?" I asked Pain.

"It was a combined effort between the Snow and Sand villages. They were attempting to use the DNA of Shukaku to create a being that would protect instead of harm. But their research...consumed them. Consumed them until there was nothing left but a monster. The scientists of your village sealed Shei away with the rest of the wolf guardians help. Until it was sealed inside of you." I frowned and placed a hand over the seal. "But despite the darkness that surrounded Shei he came to see you as a friend and ally, so their research wasn't entirely wrong."

"We're not lab rats for people to experiment on!" I growled, Shei's voice coming out as well.

"I'm aware. You have always been used in someone else's wars. With your bloodline gift and being a jinchurki, you have brought fear and resentment from many. I'm sure you know that better than anyone."

"My bloodline trait...? The Osore was a trait that was randomly passed down over generations I thought? I mean that's what I was always told..."

"So even your brother never told you the truth?"

"The truth?"

"The Osore is a Kekkei Genkai of the Hosaka family. Haku didn't possess it, but it was possible your mother did but it never manifested like yours." I didn't say anything as the news came to me.

"But even Itachi said-!"

"He said that because he was instructed to do so until the time came for you to know the truth. Haku was supposed to tell you before he died. But it seems he couldn't bare for you to know the truth of your village's destruction."

"Wait what does the Osore have to do with my village being destroyed?" My heart was pounding so loud I almost thought I misheard what he said next.

"Rasa wanted to destroy the Osore bloodline, in order to do that he instructed his village to raid the Snow Village. The Akatsuki couldn't let you die, so Haku was instructed to get you out of the village. Orochimaru changed that when he sealed Shei inside of you. His curse mark we thought would have killed you, so Haku was instructed to leave before the raid."

"but...I remember Itachi killing my family..."

"Memories that were placed there after the fact, when the curse mark was taking effect. It was a precautionary measure in case you did survive. The truth of that night is that the Sand Village killed everyone in the village and refused to admit that they were involved." My hands were shaking as I stared down at the floor.

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