1. duets

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Rachel's POV:

Today was our first day of glee club after spring break. A lot had happened during those past two weeks. Finn and I went to an amusement park, we ate churros and cotton candy. It was perfect. We were in love! And just when I thought we were going to be together forever, bam! Quinn Fabray. Finn clearly wasn't over her, or they wouldn't have gotten back together. Quinn and I used to not like each other so much, but we recently became friends. Pretty close, too. It doesn't really matter anymore though, I don't really think being her friend is going to work while she is dating the person that I love. I should've known he still loved her. Boys will do anything to be with their first love. But still, I can't believe after all that has gone on with them, that he still would want to be with her.
The pregnancy, the second breakup. I mean, he broke up with her for me at the funeral, so none of this even makes sense anymore!

I walk into glee club scared, and sat in the back of the classroom, not making a sound. Which is rare because whenever I am quiet, I am doing it to be selfish. This time it was so I wouldn't cry. I glanced over at Quinn & Finn, sitting at the drum kit, and I gave a polite smile. I looked away before they could return a look back at me. I think some people noticed the awkward silence in the room, so Mr. Shue started the lesson.

"Okay guys!" He exclaimed in his enthusiastic teacher voice. He starts writing something on the whiteboard, and Finn did a drum roll on the drums, while quinn was admiring him. She had a huge smile on her face, and looked as happy as ever.


Everyone cheered, while I sat there watching the two lovebirds mingle. That should be me with Finn, not her.

"You all really showed how awesome and unique you guys were last year when we did this assignment, so we are doing it again. Only this time, with a twist."

I stopped looking at them, and payed attention to Mr. Shue. Maybe Mr. Shue should be my next boyfriend. He is much more of a gentleman than Finn could ever be. Wait no!! What am I thinking, I'm not going back down that road. That's too crazy, even for me.

"We will be drawing our names out of a hat to see who your partner is!!"

I drew last, and sat back quietly as I watch everyone get their partners.

The results were:

Mercedes and Tina

Puck and Brittany

Sugar and Blaine

Kurt and Joe

Sam and Artie

Mike and Rory

and Finn and Quinn. Great.

"Oh awesome, that leaves me with gay Berry" I hear santana say, in a sarcastic and mean tone. I shrug and look down, trying to remain calm. Everyone sat with their partners, talking about what song they were going to sing. I instead, went to the bathroom. I hear faint footsteps follow me, but didn't think much of it. I couldn't find any tissues in the bathroom, so I grab a pad and wipe my tears with it. I try to breathe quietly, so that I don't end up balling my eyes out. I put my hands on the sink and I take deep breaths, then I heard the door open. It was Santana.

"Are your eyes bleeding or something?"

I ignore that comment and continue to take a few breathes. She looked at me with sympathy instead of hate, it was weird.

"Okay, listen to me, humpty dumpty. I know Finn broke up with you to be with miss perfect prom queen or whatever, but you got to give it up rach-"

"No, okay Santana? Finn is my one true love and he can't be with her" I hadn't realized I was crying until I finished speaking, and Santana did the most unexpected thing she could've done. Hugged me. We hug for a few moments, and it was nice and warm. Very toasty. We then broke apart and I spoke.

"What was that for?" I ask her, quietly and keep my eyes glued to the ground.

"I don't know if it's the breast implant hormones I take five times a day, or if it's because I know what it's like to be heartbroken," I look up at her abruptly,

"but I hate seeing people cry. Even if it's you who is crying"

I smiled at that comment, and wiped the rest of my dry tears with my index fingers.

"You're being extremely kind"

"Whatever Streisand, it only ever happens once every few years."

It was silent for a second. It felt nice having someone to help me with this situation. Obviously I don't have one of my friends, but maybe Santana could be. I liked this side of her. The caring, helpful, nurturing side of her. Maybe she could be my new best friend. Or just start off by being regular friends. I know we are normally at each other's throats, trying to beg for solos or whatever, but suddenly all of that is behind me now. Maybe I sound a little desperate because I basically lost my friend, but Santana really could replace her.
It was still quiet. Me washing my hands and her applying mascara. It was peaceful. Until she sighed and started speaking again.

"Wanna ditch class?"

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