||||.Late Nights for Rivals.|||| 🌺Douxie X OC💕

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||||.Late Nights for Rivals.|||| 🌺Douxie X OC💕


I click the button on the tv remote repeatedly to flip through the stations. I glance up at the clock on the wall to find that the time is, indeed, very late. I sigh, running my fingers through my hair.

"Where the hell is he?" I ask myself.

I turn my focus back to the TV. There's nothing to watch. Nothing's on because it's so late. So I don't understand why he's not home yet. I need someone to talk to, even if he is cheeky as hell. I roll onto my back and watch the show on tv upside down. Like hell if I care. I watch my phone screen light up as it receives an incoming call. I grab it—still upside down—and check the caller.


I answer it.

"Hey. Where are you?" I ask him instantly.

"On my way home. Missed the bus because of my shift. I'm almost home though."

"Got any money on you?"

"No, why?"

"I was gonna ask if you could stop by that taco truck and get something for us. What about your bus money?"

"Bus money is bus money. Not taco money."


"Boo yourself." He snips.

I roll my eyes and bite the inside of my cheek.

"If you're hungry for tacos, we have some in the fridge." Doux reminds me.

"Yeah, but those are frozen! The meat's all watery when you warm it up."

"Then you're clearly not warming it up right."

"Pfft. I'm amazing with toasters."

"You're not supposed to use a toaster."

"Wait, you're not!? What do you use then?!"

"Um, a microwave?" He sasses.

He backtracks a bit as well.

"Wait, wouldn't everything fly out if you used a toaster when it would pop?"

"That explains that fault." I sigh.

I shake my head, "Just hurry up and get home!"

"Why? You miss me or something?"

"I will kick your ass if you assume that again."

"Ok, geeze. I was just teasing."

I sigh and twirl my finger through my hair.

"Yeah, whatever. See you soon."

"Mhmm. Bye."

We both hang up.

I sigh, going back to watching the TV.


I hear the click of the front door sound as it unlocks. In walks Douxie. I cross my legs and stare at him as he hangs up his jacket, leaving him in just a tank top. He notices my eyes on him and glances back at me with his gaze furrowed.


"What me? What you?"


"Ugh... Nothing..." I huff.

Falling In Love, Again and Again ---- Douxie X Reader / OcWhere stories live. Discover now