🍋Stanley Uris🎈|Uris Is Needy|

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Y/n's POV.

I bite my lip and look at the curly haired boy. His brows are furrowed while doing the bird puzzle I got him for his birthday. He looks so hot doing that. "Hey Stanley?" I say, leaning my head against his shoulder.

"Yes, Y/n?" He says, turning his head to face me. I bash my eyelashes at him and pucker my lips. "Aww." He smiles, kissing me softly. I moan into the kiss and he pulls away shocked. I bite my bottom lip, looking down at his pants. "Y/n...?" He says. "Are you... Turned on?" He asks suspiciously. I look back up and smile, kissing him again. I experimentally trace my hand down his stomach and start to palm him through his khaki pants.
He hisses at me and pushes me away. "Y/n. I'm trying to do the puzzle." He says stroking my hair. I frown and move away from him. I take one of the pieces in my hand and turn it around in between my fingers. "Please just wait a bit, Y/n. I wanna finish this today. A few more hours. Promise."

I roll my eyes and put the piece back down. "Fine." I say. I get up and slide my shoes back on, walking to the door. "What- where are you going? Y/n!" Stan calls. I continue walking away until I feel his warm hand pull me back. "Y/n." he says. I look up at him and kiss his nose. "Calm down sporty spice. Just call me when you're done your puzzle. I'm going to play in the arcade with Richie anyway. I'll be back when you call me."

I begin to walk away without an answer.

"But Y/n!" Stan whines. I turn back around and am greeted with a warm hug. "I love you." He says. I smile and hug him back, threading my hands through his hair. His lips find my neck and he slightly kisses it. I pull away before he can go any further and leave. I get on my bike and make the short trip to the arcade. I find Richie there with Eddie. Although Eddie isn't playing, Richie still acts like he is.

"Aaaaaaand BAM! Right in the face!" Richie yells. I chuckle and lick my lips. Eddie looks up from the game-boy he has and smiles at me. "Hey Y/n! Rich! Y/n's here! Richie!" When Richie doesn't reply, Eddie sighs. "Daddy."

My eyes widen at his words and Richie turns around, focusing on Eddie. "Yes?" He says. Eddie's head tilts towards mine and he looks at me. "Oh. Hi, Y/n." He wears a massive smile. I look back at Eddie and say, "What... was that?" Eddie sighs again and looks at his hands that are in his lap. "He isn't answering me when I call him Richie so I tried to call him other names. Daddy seems to get to him normally. It's weird, but it works."

I smile. "Hey Rich. How're you?" I ask. He glances at me then to his game. I put my index finger in my mouth, getting it moist with my spit and stick it into his ear. He jerks away and yells out. "What the hell was that for?" He yells. I smile and give him a hug and he frowns. "Pay attention." I smirk. "And stop forcing Eds to call you daddy."

"Oh man, not you too, Y/n! Don't call me Eds!" Eddie yells. I chuckle and put a quarter into the machine. I pick two player and get Richie to pick his character. (can we just pretend that this was an update with Street Fighter..?) I choose the weakest but fastest character there is and Richie laughs at my character choice. "Weak, isn't she?" He says. A small smirk rises to my lips and I press enter. Richie chooses the strongest muscly character and I scoff.

"Ready!" The game says. "And fight!"

I dodge from Richie's attack and make my character run to the end of the screen, kicking at Richie's character. The fight goes on for another ten minutes and, like suspected, Richie's character became slower with every move. When my character kicks his in the side, his character dies. Richie stands up properly and looks at me.

"Player 1 wins." The game says.

"What... How! How did I loose to you! A girl! A weak character!" He says, exhausted. I laugh at him when he runs his fingers through his hair. "With muscle, you need a lot of energy. The game not long ago got an update that allows the character to act like it does in real life. So as you were losing energy, I was winning cause I was running away."

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