I. / II. "The Prince's Desire"/ "True Source of A Woman's Power"

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"The Prince's Desire" and "True Source of a Woman's Power"

Pretend that Ava has 2 bedrooms in her apartment

You're p.o.v

I was happily sleeping in my room when in my room when the annoying sound of my alarm went of, I look at the clock to see it was 6:00 AM. I sat up and grabbed the clothes I prepared last night and went of to shower.

After the shower and getting dressed, I looked at my alarm clock '6:15 AM' and made sure to put some bird seeds in Silver's feeder that I happily painted. I took her out of her cage and kissed her head "I gotta get Ava now, love you Silver." I told her before putting her back in her cage Ava and I bought for her and went out to see if Ava made breakfast and surely enough she wasn't up yet, before going into her room I saw Johnny by her door and pet him for a bit then opened the door. Ava being the lazy ass she is, hasn't even gotten up yet while you were already for school.

I violently shook Ava to wake her up saying "Wake up, boi." Several times.
"No .." Ava said trying to sway her hand at me like a fly and all I did was slap her hand "Get up ya dingus. You have a job interview, remember?" I told her as I didn't like to be late or kept waiting for something. "5 more minutes .." Ava mumbled as she went back to sleep. "Ava, you better find a way to get your damn a-booty up from that bed before I pull you out of there." I threatened her almost slipping up. I learned alot of swearing online, but Ava kept saying it alot that I started to follow her lead. What? I was 6 and she was 14.

"Ava, I will legit slap you. We've wasted-" I stopped to check the time 'Crap, it's 6:25 AM' "-We've wasted 15 mintues of our time .." I mumbled "Fine, i'll let Johnny try to wake you up for your job interview." I said preparing Ava's clothes for her. "You're gonna regret this later .." I said under my breath, putting her clothes on her bed so she'll see them easily and after that I gave her a quick hug and kiss on the forehead. "See ya, sis." I said, petting Johnny again and saying "Bye, little dude." grabbing my bag, phone in my pocket with my earbuds plugged in.

I walked out putting my earbuds on, making sure I locked the door because I always forget, and heading to the elevator to see Jake inside. "O-Oh! (Y/n)! U-uh .. Is your sister-" I cut Jake of saying "She's in bed." "O-Okay well .. uh .. I gotta- you know? Check on her and uh .." Jake likes my sister, honestly I don't care as long as he doesn't hurt her cause if does, he has a 13 year old, 2 guys and a cat on his ass.

"You can wait for her at the door now, please excuse me because I have to get to school." I said getting in "Oh! Yeah- sure!" Jake says, leaving the elevator and tells me "Good luck in school!" I gave him a small smile and waved at him, then closed the doors. 'The guy is good, he's just akward and kunda came of as a stalker ..' Once the elavator doors opened, I fucking dipped- kidding, I walked out and went to the bus stop outside the building. The bus came and the people waiting with me got in.

[( ~• Time Skip to Lunch •~ )]

During the whole day, I was hungry as shit dude. I didn't get breakfast at since the bus always arrives around 6:30 in the mornings. I was planning to buy stuff in cafeteria since alot of the good stuff were pretty cheap, they sell chips and snacks which is honestly great. So I got rice and chicken, I brought my own water, and a small pringles can. I went outside to eat then someone almost made me drop my chicken.

"Hey (y/n)!" Someone said while grabbing my shoulders and I flinched since I wasn't expecting anyone to just run up to me. I looked behind me to see Rosemarie. She was a meifwa though one thing that confused me the most about her is that she never used 'chan' or 'kun' or talked in third person, while other meif'was in our school did but she cleared it up by telling me how her mother died at her birth so her dad took care of her, I've apoligized at least 15 times after that for bringing up her deceased mom.

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