IV. "A Demon's Sweet Weakness ..."

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K i t t y

I forgot what the fandom nicknamed them, so I might just them Spirit- and don't mind the song! I just really like it -v-

• This will only be on third p.o.v since I get to describe everyone's p.o.v and not just one person's view

Third P.O.V

(y/n) was on her bed, Silver on her chest, chatting with her friend Rosemarie. They were talking about homework and things for the school festival, until (y/n) heard Ava's voice from the living room. She began to wonder why she sounded so annoyed so (y/n) gently placed their lovely conure on the bed, smoothed her sweatshirt and dusted her sweatpants as she opened her, still broken, door.

(Y/n) found Ava and Asch, standing next to the sofa while the rest of the daemos sat on it. Ava seemed pissed and judging by the towel wrapped around her, they definetely went into the bathroom while she was still in there. (Y/n) walked towards the sofa asking what was going on. Sadly, Ava didn't acknowledge your question and continued asking the horned-men questions. Ava has done this to you several times and yet, you feel this wave of dissapointment wash over you for a second.

Rhys starts explaining how and why we were able to phase through our walls. 'So that's how they do it? I really gotta ask Rhys more about their world, it seems so magical!' The young girl thought, leaning on the sofa.

"So you guys can come in anywhere, in my apartment, at anytime?" Ava asked "T-That's literally what he said, you doofus." (Y/n) teased her. Calling each other negative nicknames was one of the few things the sisters absolutely loved to do. Ava stared at her, an unamused look on her face then she looks at the men in our living room.

"Alright, I can fix that then!" She says lightly shoving me lightly then entering her room and came out with her crayola pencil. She went to the wall where they had first entered their room  "This is my magic spell wand, Cray-o-la." She starts sketching a small rectangular box that resembles a door. 'What are you doing now, sis?' The (h/c)-haired girl thought with her arms crossed.

"Once I marked this door, you are bound to only use this spot to enter and exit. If you don't use this spot—" She finishes her rectangle and turns to back to the men and young lady saying "You'll die."

[ "WHAT!?" "NOOOO—" "Now that's what i'm talking about!" Were the reactions of the Asch, Noi and Leif, in that same order. ]

"You can't do that!" Rhys said in disbelief, (Y/n) only chuckles at their reactions. 'What a bunch of Drama Queens, but since they are from another world- I guess that's understandable.' She thought, Asch turns and glares at her. He thought she was mocking them and wanted to attack but seeing as she is related or close to the sorceress, he kept his mouth shut as to not risk his life all because he hurt a child's feelings.

"I. Just. Did." Ava asserted "Now the next thing, stop calling my sister, 'Young Warrior—" "I don't really mind being—" "—AND me 'Human Sorcerer', okay?" Ava cut her sister of, she didn't want her to be known as a warrior to them since they might come from a place where they force children to train at a young age and stress them out, Ava was just looking out for her.

"Ava." Pierce says calmly, Ava amd (y/n) looks at him surprised  "H-How, how did you—" "Your friend at the Sacred Mall said it, and your younger sibling has said it before." He explains in his usual monotone voice. "Ava, you have friends?" Ava waved her arm at me signalling me to shut up "Okay! First of,  Lorelai isn't my friend! She just yells friend at me and I reciprocate because i'm apparantly an enabler! Second—" Ava gets cut off by Noi asking "Do you know our names?" Ava stammers, she was never properly introduced to them so (Y/n) stepped up saying, "I do." Ava looks at her with a 'how tf?' face, (y/n) points towards Asch "This is Prince Asch." Then to Leif "This is Leif." "That's Noi." "That's Pierce." "And that's Rhys." Ava lets out a breathe, thanking her mentally for her attentiveness and let's out a huff.

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