Chapter 19: I'm waiting

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Hi gais! Its nel! Sadly this story is ending soon~ but! I am planning on releasing a KamiJiro book its a short story! So please support me on that too❤!

Third person's POV

It was raining heavy you can hear the water droplets and rain drops hitting peoples umbrellas,meanwhile A girl sitting alone sipping her hot tea carefully she's well covered since its really cold,she lets out a big sigh and looks outside,she takes another sip while looking at her tea then a tap on the window she heard,she turns her head to its direction and she saw Jirou tapping on the window with her umbrella and smiling at her,Soon later Jirou made her way inside the café she went to Yaoyorozu where she was sitting near the window having a view outside,once they both settled down Jirou got her cup of hot chocolate
It was silent for a moment,but Jirou was very worried about her so she asked her if she was doing alright
"So..It's been 3 weeks,how are you doing-?"  You can hear her voice soften up and the pity in her voice
Yoa-momo chuckled and sighed she answers "Yes,I'm doing alright.." her smile disappears right away but then she smiles again but it was a fake smile...Jirou puts down her cup and holds Yaoyorozu's shoulder "Momo,I know you and your not alright" Jirou said with a worrying voice  Momo looked at her in the eyes "You-you saw right through me-?" Tears slows falling from her cheeks,Jirou sat up from her sit and got closer to her and hugged her resting her head to hers,Jirou saw tear drops from the tissue,she knew Momo was deeply hurt she also knew it was hard for Todoroki and he could be in a live or die situation,A few minutes after calming down Jirou reminded momo "Think about must be really hard for him to say goodbye in a form of a letter" Momo inhaled and exhaled deeply
And she smiled
"I'll wait for him,no matter how long..I'll wait for him" She said and her smile was back again,a real smile now Jirou slowly sips her drink same with Momo and soon enough the rain stopped and they both went home together


Still third person's POV

For Shoto it was also a rainy day,He was feeling worse even after that surgery it was succesful but the healing process takes a long time the car that hitted him,caused real serious injury that will affect him from becoming a hero but that didn't stop him even if with no practice with his quirk he tries to catch up in lessons,he studies with the help of his old mans agency,He felt..alone, leaving his friends without them knowing where he is
And even if Fuyumi was there he always felt like nobody else was in the room,And sometimes he would go rampage in his room and also causing him severe pain,he seemed more crazy because of not having communication since his phone was crushed and his father doesn't plan to buy him a new one he wanted a picture of her so bad but he didn't know where to get one

But time passes so quickly but for the two of them it was so slow for them to bear

>Big Time skip<

A year almost has passed

Yaoyorozu was in there garden reading a book that Shoto bought
She was enjoying the book and smiles from time to time but soon it came dark so she headed inside,she adds a book mark and closes the book and kisses it and she took a bath but she was crying always since well he dissappeard? But he said he was coming back,soon after Momo changed she sat down in her desk and got a paper she starts to write a note,Jirou said that she could write a note for Shoto to read when he comes back..because he never gave information on where he is so every last day of the month She writes everything what happend to her,her hair gotten longer but her feature didn't change Momo always remembers that they never actually took a picture together after writing she inhales and exhales deeply and put the letter in a envelope and stores it in a drawer with the other letters written from the other months,soon after she lies down and let out a big sigh looking at her cielling,she soon then fell asleep

At this time 1 more year and they graduate to being a hero,Momo wanted to graduate with Shoto so bad and her classmates too,she has become more stronger and independent bit she still has a small soft heart,she acts tough oitside but when she's alone she cries her eyes out,many confessed and tried to catch her attention but no...Yaoyorozu turned them all down it was never a problem for her to turn them down but she felt bad but she was waiting Shoto and her only plan is to wait for Shoto She has gotten good with fights and combats but she was heart broken that she didn't get to train with the boy she loves so much and the sit next to her is always empty...She stays at home often because Shoto was always with her when going outside...and now she felt alone but it was different when Jirou was by her side in the times she cried her heart out and screaming Shoto's name but she still has a dream,a dream to become a hero and hopefully fight villains with him all the time

Shoto's POV

I didn't know that me healing would take so much  time...Yaoyorozu I thought that It would be quick and everything will go back to normal but I was wrong
But I am getting better..I'm catching up into being a hero while I'm here,I don't stay in the hostpital anymore I practice my quirks and moves and I want to go back to graduate with 1-A class,I have no more problems with my head but in my body I'm still no good at it but I try my hardest everyday,Yaoyorozu I won't blame you if you had given up on me its been a year...but I miss you so much but still hoping I won't be too late...


"Hey" Fuyumi greets me with food and it's cold soba my favorite

"Hi" I replied,she smiled and puts down the soba and gradually leaves
They know I don't like talking to much but sometime later I ate the Soba and it was delicious...and continued in my training

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