The Truth

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(⚠️Waring shit is about to get real!!⚠️)

Of course the dream started off how it well started off me walking with  Mike in beautiful Tokyo only this time everyone could actually see my dream, it wasn't my secret anymore it's something more than that now.

"Hey, that's me." Mike says kinda happily, i hear Dejuane kinda groan.

(The dream will be in bold so you know which one is which)

"I'm sorry ma's I'll be careful next time." He laughs grabbing me into a hug and placing a kiss on my forehead.

I lean my head on his shoulder and we walk around the colorful city.

"Crazy." I say.

"What is?"

"This place it's gorgeous can you believe we are in Tokyo?!" I say excited,

He smiles his braced smile.

"You said you wanted to come here so here we are." He says raising his arms all dramatic like.

"You know what would be cool doe?" I asked with excitement in my eye.

"What is it?"

Suddenly my dream pauses.

"Why was Mike in her dream?!" Dejuane asks upset.

"It seems that he was on her mind at the time, did anything go on before she had the dream or went to bed?" Yai Yai asked.

"Yeah actually this idiot got all of us kidnapped and well he got himself stuck into a jar filled with water and they had to fight a bad guy to save them, which almost got Stormy and Kaden murdered so umm yea it was very eventful." Cali sums everything up.

"Okay, shall we continue?" Yai Yai asks , everyone agrees and keeps watching.

At this point of the dream me and Mike where flying with each other in the sky then he dissapers and Dejuane shows up asking if i loved him.

"Why do you care you love me, not him. Right?" He asked me giving me a questionable look.

"I...I do love you." I say it wasn't like i was lying.

"Then my you asking for him?" Dejuane says flying around me.

"Cuz..I was just with him." I say.

I blink quickly and see Mike flying next to Dejuane. I was in dead shock.

"You coming?" They said at the same time.

"Uh....I.. What?" I was freaking out.

They slowly started to get closer to me.

At this point my body began to shake every so sightly.

"Woah hey, what's wrong with her why is she moving like that?!" Kaden asks in a scared tone.

"It's time for the truth to be reveled and see what is making her sick, and this showing is causing it  to leave her body which is causing her to shake, but she will be alright, i promise." Yai, Yai says.

I didn't like the feeling of being a massage chain, shaking and vibrating and shit. I could tell that Dejuane and Mike, and Kaden where upset from my dream.(The part when they drag me and i fall into a black whole)they were sniffling  while Cali was saying omg to almost everything.

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