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Hey guys. I don't think I made it clear but when I do the interview things it is no longer in the selected persons POV. It is just in normal one. Hope you enjoy this entry.

I have just woken up and am going through my Instagram. I'm looking and liking all of the birthday posts. They are all really sweet. It's about 10:30 and we have to be at the arcade for about one. We are gonna be eating lunch then doing some bowling and then playing some arcade games. We are all gonna go to my favourite cafe/restaurant for dinner after. This is gonna be a fun day I can tell.

"Today is gonna be so much fun. I can't wait to spend the day playing arcade games and bowling. The only thing that could make it better is if I didn't have this stupid ass cast on." I say holding up my cast to the camera."

I climb out of bed and start to head downstairs where mom and Corey were already sat at the island.

"Happy birthday baby." Mom says running over and hugging me.

"Thanks mommy." I say into her shoudler. "Umm....mom. I uh...need air." I say to her. She releases me and I take a deep breath.

"Happy birthday kiddo." Corey says from his seat. I walk over to him and hug him to say thank you. I sit infront of a bowl of fruit and cream with sprinkles.

 I sit infront of a bowl of fruit and cream with sprinkles

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"Thanks mom. This looks great." I say as I dig in. I was right. This is amazing.

"So you are gonna have to get a really quick shower right after you finish that cause the hair and makeup people will be here at 11:15 ok?" She says. I nod my head as my mouth is full of banana and strawberries.

"What time do we have to go?" Corey asks.

"If we wanna be there at 1 then we are gonna have to leave at at 12:45. Everyone should already be there by then." Mom explains. I look at my phone to see it is 10:50.

"I better go get in the shower I guess." I say getting up and walking to my bathroom. I love it. I helped my mom design it when we were redesigning everything in the house.

I climb into the shower and wash my hair and body while jamming out to some music. Once I'm done. It's about 11:10 meaning the hair and makeup people will be hear any minute.

I run into my bedroom and put my underwear on. Wrapped in my dressing gown, I just sit on my bed playing games on my phone. When I hear the door open I walk out to see people walking up the stairs with my mom.

"Good morning guys." I say walking to the glam room.

Me and my mom take our seats while the people get acquainted with all the equipment we have.

"Ok so what do you want done with your make up and hair today?" I'm asked.

"Well I want something natural with my face. With my hair I would love like two buns on top of my head." I explain to them.

Karlie Faye Jenner Where stories live. Discover now