Chapter 10: Wake Up Call

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"Aoi, turn off the lights already."

"Shhh! Be quiet! He's coming."

"I know. Hey move over a little."

"Is everybody in place?"

"He's at the door! I repeat, HE'S AT THE FRICKIN' DOOR!!"

For a  moment, complete silence filled Aoi's living room. Aoi signalled their friends and classmates. "One...Two...Three!!"

"SURPRISE!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JULIUS!!", they all shouted. 

Julius was taken aback by surprise. "Aaahhhh!!!! You got me!  ....Thanks guys! You shouldn't have." 

"Don't mention it dude!"

Hannah grabbed Julius' arm and pulled him away from the group and towards the dining area.. "Come on, birthday boy. Time to cut the cake. Aoi already lit the candle so you better make a wish!

She leaned closer and whispered to his ear. " My cousin put a lot of effort into this so be sure to thank her for all her hard wor-"

Hannah's jaw dropped and so did the others'. Everyone stood in silence as a lovely young lady entered the front door. 

"Woah...what is she doing here?", she whipered to Julius.

"Lilia?! It's Lilia, everybody!"

"No way! What is someone like her doing here? I feel embarassed that I came dressed so sloppy"

"Bro, is my hair okay? I wanna look cool for Lilia."

"Hi Lilia!"


 Aoi didn't know what to do when she saw Lilia. She could feel cold sweat gushing down her forehead. Her face became pale. She tapped Julius on the back spoke, "Emergency meeting. You and me. In the kitchen.  Now." 

Both of them sneeked into the kitchen and hid below the countertop while everyone was busy chatting with Lilia. 

"What on earth is she doing here?!", Aoi asked.

"Well, I invited her.", Julius replied with a shrug.

"Invited? What? Woah. Woah. Woah!...  I thought we made this clear  when we were in elementary? On either of our birthdays, we inform each other BEFOREHAND about the guests to avoid awkwardness.  Plus, we only invite those we've known for three years. Three years, Julius! As far as I've known, we knew her for a month!!! A month, for goodness' sake! This is wrong. This is soooo wrong. This is not happening!", Aoi rubbed her temples in panick.

Julis piched Aoi's cheeks and laughed. 

"Whuch cho funny? Thish ish not a luhfin' matter!!!", Aoi respoded as she slapped Julius' hands off her face. 

Julius patted Aoi's head which caused her hair to be a mess and spoke, "Ah, relax, porkbun. Look at them. They're all enjoying the party. Lilia doesn't seem to feel left out, in fact, she's getting along with everyone perfectly. Just chill out! That brain of yours is getting way out of control. You're over analyzing things.  Let Lilia stay okay?" 

Aoi was about to approve of his request when she accidentaly caught a glimpse of Lilia looking directly at her. She moved her lips and mouthed the words: YOU ARE GOING DOWN.  After that Lilia gave Aoi a thumbs down gesture to emphasize her point. 

Aoi's grip tightened. "So it's a war you want, then it's a war you'll get. I'm tired being a martyr! I'm going to fight for my feelings for Julius. I won't give up nor leave his side unless he says so. No one but him can decide on that. Not even Lilia!", she thought to herself. 

 "Well, what do you say pork bun? Can she stay?", Julius asked.

"No.", Aoi replied.


"I already told you that I won't allow it.", Aoi strictly said.

"What the heck is your problem?! What do you have against her, Aoi?", Julius irritatedly asked. 

"It's none of your business. It's her fault anyway. Nobody asked her to come.", Aoi replied.

"I asked her! Aoi, it's my birthday, not yours. I get to decide.", Julius defended. 

"You can't do that. It's not fair! We agreed that we would decide on our birthdays together. It's has been that way for years. Why are you suddenly all flustered about me not permitting Lilia to join the party? Remember in middle school? I asked four of my classmates to leave my birthday party because you said that I didn't inform you about it earlier. I listesned to you then, didn't I? So why won't you listen to me now? ", Aoi said.

"That's different! Lilia is different.", Julius defended.

"Oh, so she's suddenly all special to you now?! How is she different, Julius? Even though you like her, you only spent a week with her in that resort. That was the only time when you two were close. How can you say that you know her so well? Who knows, maybe she could be hiding a huge pai of horns behind that angel-like fface of hers!", Aoi exclaimed.

"You don't know her either, Aoi. So quit saying bad things about her. You know what, I think you should stay here and think about everything you just said. You know, all this talk about not knowing a person long enough really gets me thinking. I've known you forever, Aoi...and yet now, after hearing  everything you blurted out, I'm not sure if I know the real you at all. ", Julius replied.

Aoi couldn't find the right words to say. She silenced and looked away. 

As Julius made his way to the door, he spoke.

" think that all of this was just because of a single guest. I know that you're mad at me for breaking the tradition we had ...but, for goodness' sake Aoi, we're in high school already. We're not kids anymore. You're the one who told me that, remember? We can't just isolate ourselves from the rest of the world. We can't keep on clinging to each other. You can't always depend on me, and the I can't always depend on you. We have to grow up. Stop this childish tantrum, Aoi. Not everything is about just the two of us. Stop being selfish.", Julius added as he made his way to the living room and faking a smile to greet his guests.

On his way out, he bumped across Hannah.

"Whoa, what's he so mad about?", she asked while looking at Aoi who was seated on the floor with her legs curled up and her knees pressed against her chest. 

 Aoi didn't reply. She bowed he head and spoke while holding back soft sobs.

The more she tried to hold it in, the more her tears made their way out of her eyes. Hannah caught a glimpse of a tear roll down her left cheek. 

"Hey, couz, are you okay?  What happened?", Hannah asked as she rushed to Aoi's side to comfort her.

"I...I've been selfish.", She cried. 

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