Chapter 1: Innocence

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It was a sunny day. The children were having their snacks and enjoying the leisure of recess.

"What's that noise?", A little boy asked his classmate.

"Oh, it looks like there's a new student. She seems to be crying. I wonder what those big kids did to her."

The girl that was being bullied was a transfer student named Aoi Hisagawa. Her father was half Japanese and half American while her mother was half Japanese and half Filipino. She had short black hair and her bangs were tied up with a small bow to prevent it from covering her black eyes.

Aoi just moved into a small town with her mother, Rie. Though Rie had a hard time taking care of her daughter all on her own, she was able to raise her well. Aoi came to live with her mother in their ancestral home in the province. She was bullied on her first day in kindergarden because of her unusual name.

"Aoi? What a strange and gross name!", said a tall kid in pigtails.

"I bet the reason why you're here is because you've been driven out of your old town because of your hideous name and your mother's lack of creativity!", shouted another kid in a high ponytail.

"Yeah! Like who would ever name their kid Aoi?! What the heck does that even mean?", added another as she pushed little Aoi down to the ground.

She fell and scratched her knee. A small tear fell down Aoi's eye. She wiped it off and bravely stood up as if nothing happened.

"You can insult my name all you want but you don't have the right to say bad things about my mommy!", Aoi defended.

"My mommy is kind, she gives me warm hugs and she cooks for me, too. She sings me songs and she drove out the monsters under my bed. She's a wonderful person so don't you dare say such things about her."

The three girls were irritated by her boldness for nobody ever stood up to them.

"Who do you think you are?", asked one of the girls.

As she was about to push Aoi down again, Aoi dodged her and she fell flat on her face instead. The other kids laughed at them. Who knew that the high and mighty trio would be put to shame by a transfer student?

"Why you little brat!!!!!!!", shouted one of the three as she grabbed Aoi by the wrist. "Let's see how brave you really are when we chop off all your hair!"

The other one picked up a pair of scissors and walked towards Aoi. "Let's see if your mommy will save you now!"

"No! Let me go!", Aoi struggled as the scissors drew closer and closer.

Suddenly there was a huge splash. A little boy with fair skin,  brown hair,  and freckles dumped a bucket of water on top of the girl holding the scissors. Everyone was in shock.

"What the hell did you do to me, you idiot?! My hairstyle is ruined!!! You'll both pay for this!", the girl shouted.

The young boy quickly grabbed Aoi's hand and they ran as fast as they could. When they felt that they were safe, they sat down behind the bushes to catch their breath. The little boy smiled at Aoi and asked, "Are you okay?"

"Yes. I'm fine.", said Aoi.

"My name is Julius Gregorio by the way. What's yours?", he asked.

Aoi hid her face and said in a sad tone, "Aoi. My name is Aoi Hisagawa."

"Aoi? What a pretty name! Why are you acting like it's embarassing?", Julius asked.

Aoi didn't utter a word.

"It's the reason you were being bullied, isn't it? Because of your name?", Julius' tone changed.

"Yes...But it's true, isn't it? My name is not normal. It's weird and ugly.", Aoi replied.

"If so, then why did you defend it? Why did you denfend your mother and the name she gave you? It's because you love her, right? And you love your name, too."

Aoi looked at Julius and smiled. "I guess so."

"Aoi, no matter what people say, I think you name is the most beautiful name of all! You may not know it but your name is very special."

Aoi felt confused and asked, "Why? Is there any meaning behind it?"

Julius smiled ans said, "Look up, Aoi. Do you see the sky? That is your name. 'Aoi' means blue in Japanese. Your name is the color of the wide and majestic sky. It stretches as far as the eye can see. It's the same sky that people see from all parts of the world. My father told me this: We may be separated from our loved ones but no matter where we are, as long as are looking under the same sky, it still feels as if they're still by our side. Can't you see, Aoi? Your name is the color of the sky that connects every heart throughout the world...From now until the end of time."

Aoi coudn't help the tears falling down from her chubby cheeks.

"Why are you crying? Did I say something wrong?", Julius worried.

"No." Aoi replied. "You said everything I needed to hear. Thank you, Julius. No one has ever said that to me. From now on, I will value my name and it's all because of you."

Julius smiled and stood up. He wiped the dirt off his knees and spoke.


"Yes?", Aoi replied.

"Let's be friends from now on. I will protect you from whoever bullies you. I will make you smile and laugh. I don't know how to cook yet but I can make you sandwiches. We can play together and you'll never be sad again. I'll help you become proud of your name."

Aoi smiled and said, "Really? We can be friends? I'd love that!!"

She lifted her hand and took out her pinky finger."Just promise that you'll never leave me. Promise that we will always be together."

Julius held out his pinky finger and wrapped it around Aoi's and replied, "I promise. We'll be together until the end of time."

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