Chapter 1

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Newt woke me up. I was trembling cause it was such a shock. '' keep calm Minho '' '' and stay quiet'' I was like ok. I then calmed down. ' ' follow me' '. I reluctantly followed Newt to the west door. I was tired and I hated Newt for waking me up at 6am. I wanted to know why he had done it though.' 'right there is a dead greiver' '' '' seriously no way '' I was shouting right now. I heard Chuck and Thomas talking about something, mabye they overheard us. I trudged over to them and fistbumped chuck. "what's going on" said chuck quietly "well Newt woke me up early this morning, said he found a dead greiver." "wait what" shouted Thomas spitting out his orange juice. "are you serious" said chuck "yeah I said, go ask Newt and he'll show it to you" "cool" said chuck and he ran off to find Newt. "that'll shut him up for a while" "yeah" Thomas said laughing nearly spilling his juice again.

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