902 31 10

fuckshit you smell like shit
is your plane taken off yet?

stevie nicks
she can't respond if her pane has she's on airplane mode stupid

ruben sandwich
we gotta hang with fourth grade so she can finesse into his mf house guys cmon

rocky rick the stallion
facts let's go to in and out

fuckshit you smell like shit
yeaa and i got a couple blunts we can go smoke after lol

ruben sandwich
when are you not smoking-

fuckshit you smell like shit
ight ur lil short ass can walk

ruben sandwich
fine fine fine sorry

stevie nicks
her plane lands at 2 so we should go now so we can pick her up

ray j with the sex tape
ight let's go

my heart raced a million miles per second the entire time i was on the plane. even at the most innocent of sounds. the snack cart, flight attendants, tray tables folding. my heart floundered and fluttered as i imagined what his reaction would be. maybe he'll cry? no no no crying. i don't even know this boys real name and i'm going to see him. stranger danger. as i continued to scare the shit out of myself i didn't even notice my hands shake. "nervous?" an older woman, maybe in her mid 70's asked. i looked over at her. "a little bit..." i said, placing my hands in eachother to stop the shaking. "visiting someone?" she said. a slight blush rubbed my cheeks. "yes. i'm visiting an online friend..." i said, pulling my cardigan over my hands. she grinned. "i'm guessing it's a little bit more than a friendship?" she asked, laughing. i laughed awkwardly. is she a psychic or am i that obvious? "it's very obvious." she said to me, still not looking up from her book, which from the cover looked like it would be very erotic. i sighed. "yea, more than friends. i don't know if that's what's best for me though." i mumbled. oh my god why would i say that to this random woman. she placed her book down on her lap and stared at me like i was stupid. "why do you think that?" she asked me. i was taken back. "well, for starters he's far away, i got mad at him for sleeping with someone else-" "ok stop. first, if he likes you the way i think he does, he'll make every afford to see you all the time. and you children have facetimes and what not." she began. "when i was your age, 16 or 17, i was head over heels in love with this man, charles. he was in the war. world war 2 to be exact. the entire time he was in europe, he wrote me a letter everyday for 2 years." she said, staring into space. my mother slightly opened, my heart felt like it was syncing. "we waited for eachother for two years." she mumbled to me, smiling. "i never took a lover when i was waiting. i knew he was the one for me. always. and i was right. as soon as he got back we were married an had 6 children." she smiled at me. "wow." was all i managed to say. "if i could wait that long. i'm sure seattle to la won't be that hard for you two. if you have that strong of a bond, nothing can stop you from love." she said, setting her hand on top of mine. i smiled. "thank you...." i said. "norma jean william." she smiled. "y/n l/n" i said. as soon as our conversation was over the plane had landed, and my anxiety kick started again.

"nothing can stop you from love." i repeated in my head, over and over until i saw fuckshits car pull up, a smile spread across my face.

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