prologue 3: A friend

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Naruto groaned as he started to wake up. What time was it and what happened?

Oh yea

The incident with Kiba. It brought chills to his back. To think an 8 year old could be so cruel and egotistical. His started to open his eyes. His vision was blurry But could still tell where the sun was. It looked like it was the afternoon judging from the position of the sun. While he was doing that, he couldn't help but feel something soft and squishy below him. Like, thighs. When his vision finally started to clear he saw he was below an orange haired woman wearing a black shihakusho and an arm band along with a with a crystal blue hair pin the shape of a six pointed star or flower. She also had a katana strapped to the side of her waist. That made naruto really uneasy. He felt like throwing up.

He quickly moved away from the woman. Though once he was across from her he ended up falling to the ground in pain from the soreness from yesterday's attack. Wait. how is the chunk of flesh the dog bit off still there? Medical ninjutsu can't cover that. Nor can't his rapid healing. Who did that?

"Hey, you ok?" The woman asked softly. Naruto being tricked by the same act people would put on just the hurt him, immediately didn't trust her. He just cradled him self slowly covering his face in fear.

"Please. Don't hurt me" he said quietly. Though enough for the woman to hear it.

Orihime was was not expecting that. He was...scared of her? Why was he scared? But of what? Was it because she was a stranger or because of somthing else?

"Hey I'm back" another person naruto didn't know came in. He had the same shihakusho that the lady had but he had a long sleeved Snow White haori along with it. Like the woman he got more scared when he saw two matte black katanas strapped on both his sides. Though this man almost looked like...himself. Just without the whiskers and blue eyes. His hair was also a darker shade of orange.

"Looks like sleeping beauty woke up" he said getting closer to naruto

Naruto was getting more afraid by the minute. He was more afraid of the man because of the intimidating scowl on his face. Like he hated looking at naruto. Naruto was almost about cry now. He was scared that the man would bring out his katanas and stab him non stop with the point.

"Ichigo" the woman called out the man name. At least naruto knew the name of his killer

"The boy is scared of us. Did you see when you got closer. He was scared of you. Let me handle this" the woman said softly

Ichigo just looked back at naruto and widened his eyes a bit until nodding at Orihime an backed off.
Orihime began unstrapping her katanas, putting them on the ground and then walk slowly towards naruto.

"Hey there little one." She said gentily. Naruto still didn't trust her and began to back away. "No don't worry I'm not gonna hurt you I promise". Naruto still didn't trust her and started to speak.
"p-please ju-just get a-away from m-m-me!". He yelled. The air suddenly felt a lot heavier. This shocked the two. The kid was letting out an immense amount of pressure that felt That beyond of a captain class soul reaper. "Ichigo! He's releasing so much spirit energy!" Orihime said struggling a little to stand. Of course this mostly affected orihime more than ichigo since he had enough spiritual pressure to crush the whole seireitei. Ichigo then started to release his spiritual energy to protect orihime from being crushed from the pressure. it kept on rising showing no sign of stopping and because of this he had to release more spiritual energy so the people in area wouldn't be crushed.
Ichigo then started walking towards the boy. "Kid calm down! You're going to crush this whole area along with the people in it!" He yelled. Naruto heard this and was panicking. He was going to kill people because he couldn't control himself. Naruto then opened his teary eyes and started trying to calm down. Thankfully enough, the spiritual pressure started to die out.

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