Chapter 3: another test

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Naruto watched as kakashi walked through the village reading his perverse book. He muffled a small chuckle as he saw both civilians and kunoichi glaring at him. He kept on his trail following him, seeing him go from store to store buying food or window shopping. He also occasionally did the other kind of window shopping if ya know what I mean.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

After a while of pointless walking kakashi turned around and shut his book, he closed his eyes and and turned towards the building Naruto was on. He then waved hello and motioned for Naruto to come closer. The spiky haired blond jumped off the building and stood right next to kakashi.

"So, mind telling why you're following me?" The sliver haired jonin spoke. Naruto shifted uncomfortably and looked around to see if anyone was listening. "Can we uh go somewhere different?" He shyly whispered. Kakashi rose his eyebrow and shrugged. "Sure, lets go to the restaurant down the street, and next time speak up little" he lazily said.

They both walked down the road next to each other. The occasional chatter amongst the people made the day weirdly peaceful along with Hearing the kids laugh, the bright sunny yet fresh aired day and the smooth walk down the dirt road. It felt nice. A feeling Naruto barley feels anymore.

"Gah!" Naruto Yelped. A glass bottle had suddenly hit his head and shattered causing him to be  dazed and fall.

"Get out here you bastard!" A man yelled causing other poeple to look. They recognized their favorite little demon had come to visit the district. Soon enough others started to crowd and yell at naruto.

"Burn in hell!"

"Show up here again and we'll kill you!"

Naruto got up and kept walking. He briefly touched his head and felt something wet. It was blood. He started to breath faster. He never liked too look at blood. The amount of blood he saw when he was young. It scarred him. The feeling of choking on blood, the feeling of the deep wounds gushing out blood. It made him sick. He felt a hand hover his head, he felt his wound being healed. Naruto looked up to see kakashi using medical ninjustu and giving him his signature eye smile. "Come on, lets go" he spoke and ruffled Naruto hair to get out the glass shards in his hair aswell as wiping the blood off his stained face. As they were walking kakashi had to either block or get naruto out of the way of incoming objects that people threw. The crowd eventually calmed down and moved on seeing as it would be pointless since kakashi was protecting the demon. As they walked kakashi couldn't help but ask.

"Why don't you protect yourself? You know? Fight back."

Naruto sighed and looked at him. "I have to prove to them that I'm not what they think I am. If I strike back then..."

"It'll only make things worse. Life is complicated for you huh?"

Naruto smiled and nodded. They finally made it to the restaurant and stood in front of it. Before they entered kakashi stopped Naruto. He looked confused. Why was he stopping him?.

"You know how to transform right?"

Naruto was extremely confused but nodded. "Great! Now do it or else they're not going to let you in." He said. Naruto understood and transformed into his instructor. Iruka. Naruto looked at the jonin only to see a disappointed kakashi

"A girl with a little curve would've been more perferable" kakashi muttered getting a confused expression from naruto. The silvered haired jonin glanced At him and just chuckled patting his head. "You'll understand when you'll older. Now, shall we?"
When they walked in They were immediately greeted by a man with a black and white suit. "Hello ther- oh! It's Kakashi of the sharingan! What brings you here!"
Upon saying that name poeple immediately looked at the entrance and got excited. Kakashi brought his hands up to his chest and chuckled awkwardly. "Let's not raise to much attention! I just want a table for me and my friend over here, like over there" he pointed towards the table to farthest side of the restaurant. the man happily nodded and wrote down their names. They walked down the aisle leading there, occasionally getting squeals or poeple to get off of them, well mostly kakashi. once they finally made it to their table they relaxed. "I think you can de transform now"

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