prologue 4: confidence

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Ichigo and orihime location

"How many were dead" ichigos grim voice echoed in the mans ear

"a-about half the village sir!" The man yelled taken back by his captains expression. "And one of these casualties was the fourth hokage, minato namikaze, Who's soul was eaten by the soul kings wife in order to seal the 9 tails into a new born?"

The man only looked down not daring to look at his captain straight in the eye. "Y-Yes si-sir". Ichigo just kept staring at the man blankly. Minato was dead, he couldn't even experience the joy of having a child either, what about kushina? Was she alive?

"What about his wife kushina uzumaki?"

At first the soul reaper looked confused, then a tiny glimmer of happiness was seen in his eye. "Does she have long red hair and a green apron?!" He half yelled. Ichigo was a little surprised at his out burst "Uh, y-yea". "Well there have been reports of a red haired woman following a blond kid that contains the 9 tails from time to time, but they were never ever to catch her." He replied. "But with you here captain we can finally send her to the soul society, so let's go sir! Before the time we have to back!" He shouted before running off. "Hey wait!" The soul reaper just turned around confused. "Right before minato and kushina died...did they have a kid?". The soul reaper just looked up thinking, when he finally stopped thinking he looked back a ichigo. "Actually Yea, the reports say that the boy was named...mmm...Naruto uzumaki, but they said he died." The soul reaper turned around again looking up. "Also the kid who got the 9 tails sealed inside of him looks oddly similar to the child of minato and kushina on that day". When the man looked back, his captain was no where to be seen. He looked frantically, calling out his superiors name. "Captain Kurosaki! Captain kurosaki!!" The man sudden heared a branch break and turned around to see a pair of cold brown eyes hiding in the shadows on top of tree. "CAPTAIN!!! PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME I DONT WANT TO DIE YET!" the soul reaper said, comedically crying while running.

???: so he finally figured it out huh. Honestly, how stupid enough can people be to make a connection?


Naruto woke up to rays of sunshine hitting his face. His face scrunching up from being blinded by the bright star. After of couple of minutes he finally had the will to get up, the bed and floor creaking ever so slightly from his long sleep. He looked at his surroundings, his eyes landing on the white haori that ichigo gifted him last night. It was the first time any other person than his jiji to gift him something. He swore to him self that he would protect and take care of the special clothing as long as he lived. He finally decided on some some blue shorts with a cyan colored shirt along with an orange plain jacket.


Naruto for the first Time in a long time walked in through the entrance of the academy with a smile. Of course other parents didn't like that the 'demon' was happy but they couldn't just break into the academy and start beating up a kid, so they just reluctantly let it go


As naruto was entering the class room a pencil came flying his way hitting his forehead with the tip making a tiny drop of blood a deep out. "Ow" he muttered looking around noticing the small amount of kids present. Maybe he was a bit to early.

"How's the leg loser!" Kiba luaghed. "Kiba you shouldn't do things like that to naruto kun!" Kiba just growled and hinata backed off towards a corner whimpering. Kiba turned back to naruto. He noticed that Naruto was in perfect condition, as if nothing ever happened to him, even if they used medical ninjutsu it should've at least left a scar. He was also wondering how the HECK narutos flesh that his dog bit off was healed. Even if his knowledge of healing jutsu was small, he knew that it should be able to recover lost flesh unless the sow it back together. "Hey loser how did th-".

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