The thinking cliff

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The wind rushed through my hair as I over looked mermaid bay to dragon's head. If I turned a little I could see the castle and probably where my grandpa got hurt.

"I see you've found this place as well" someone said sitting down. "Ya I have" I said not taking my eyes of dragon head. "Why do you come here anyway" she asked sitting next to me. "Well many reasons really. You know when Oliver said my parents were captured? Well from what I've heard what they do at dragon's head they could be dead" I told sunny as tears leaked out of my eyes. "What if we all die and it's all my fault" "whatever happens we won't die everything will be ok. Besides this time we have help and we will learn but one promise we won't die" she said patting my back. "Thanks sunny" "what's going on between you and saun" I giggled.

"Nothing much really" she said rolling her eyes. "Why do you come here I asked her. "Well you can say I'm home sick. I really do try to distract myself never works. So when I came here I found another thing to worry about" "what's that" I asked. "Dragon head" she said simply. "I'm so sorry I never knew you would be homesick I you can always turn back promise" "I'm not backing down aurora I've came so far" she smiled. I gave her a hug a big one.

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