Owl mountain

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Aurora POV

"This class is the castle exhibit. This is where we learn what happened to the kingdom. Mason over here" miss sharie called to us.

We walked under the archway into the exhibit. I swore I saw sav and atlas holding hands!

"Look aurora that's a Phoenix wing throne room" Atlanta said pointing at a painting.

There was a long red carpet that led to a throne and knights in either side.

"That's quite the room isn't it" I said approaching it. I looked at it closely. On one side of a wall there was a portrait of a women and a man sitting with two babies in their lap. One was a bit older than the other. The babies had little tiny blue hairs poking out of their heads. There tiny hands grasping each other's. I had a brother? Could it be? Some tears threatened to fall, I pushed them back trying to push that thought back.

"Hey rora you ok" Atlanta asked rubbing my shoulder.

"Ya I'm fine" I said taking his hand.

I could have had so much all because of this stupid war I can't have a proper family! But then again I wouldn't have met my friends.

"This is what the current castle looks like as we can recall one of the wings was badly destroyed during the Saturn attack (the attack when aurora was put on earth) in this battle the king and queen were tortured for the information of where they hid the princess" No one except friends and a few teachers know she is princess miss sharie said pointing at a picture.

"Here we have a suit of armor which you can see has changed due to king Edwards crowning after this the captured battle" she said pointing at two sets of armor.

"In this battle the king James and queen Anna were captured. Hence the name. Luckily we have king Edward to rule the kingdom"


"Class you are dismissed back at the castle before ten please or else detention" miss sharie said shooing us off.

The dates has begun.......

So I'm thinking doing the dates in different povs of the girls because each girl is gonna be with a boy so no confusion caused ok good!

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