wingfortress! scout

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You flew around the base looking for your uncle, sniper. Yeah, your the daughter of sniper sister, big deal. And sure, your training to be a sniper too. But, that's not really a big deal.

"Yo!"you heard someone call from above. You looked up to see a figure flying towards too. "Yo, what's up?" Called the familiar voice of your team's scout.

You smiled, looking up at the smiling face of your crush. Yeah, you had a huge, and I mean HUGE crush on him.

"Hey scout, I was just looking for sniper. Have you seen him?"You asked, you both kept flying as you talked.

He shrugged, looking away frowning. "Why ya looking for him, you like him?" He asked, glaring at some distant clouds.

No-one knew sniper was your uncle. And you had no idea why he wanted it kept a secret. But, he said it was for the best.

You looked down at the ground as it zoomed by. "No! That's gross! I just need to train a little more with my archery!" You said defensively.

Scout looked at you, smiling. "I was just kidding. Calm down!" He said, play punching your shoulder.

"But nah, I haven't seen him."He said as you both flew though a cloud.

"So-" BANG!!! BANG!!!

There where a gun shots, a splitting pain in your right wing and head, and...falling. you heard someone yell, but you couldn't tell what they said. You saw a blurry figure racing toward you.

~ scouts pov~

God, I can't believe this! My girl-I mean (y/n) was shot! Twice!! Damnit! This isn't happening...I didn't even get to tell her.

The medbay doors opened and medic stepped out. His pure white dove wings were folded. He was covered in blood. God, that can't be good.

"She'll be fine. The head vound vas just a graze. But..her ving. It vell take longer to heal." He said, whipping the blood off his hands with an equally bloody towel.

I ran up to him. "Can I see her doc?" I asked, jogging in place.

When medic nodded, I pushed passed him. He made a huffing sounds and walked off to his office.

I ran to (y/n) bed, and looked at her wrapped up head and wing. A little blood seeping though the gauze of both wounds. I sighed, man this is bad. I sat in a chair that was by her bed.

"Ah man....(y/n)...I'm so sorry.." I choked out as a few years pricked my eyes. I placed my head in my hands as I thought that I last her forever.

"(Y-y/n)...I need to tell you something. I...I love you. Always have. Ever since the first time I saw you." I said as I sat on the edge of her bed, hold her hand.

~ your pov~

I heard scout run into the medbay, but I was too tired to open my eyes or even move. I just layed there, the pain killers medic gave me making me loopy.

" Ah man....(y/n)...I'm so sorry.." I heard scout say, and my heart dropped. I tired to move, but I just didn't have the strength.

I then heard muffled sobs. God, his crying. I was about to force myself to get up, to open my eyes, to tell him it wasn't his fault. But, then he started talking again.

" "(Y-y/n)...I need to tell you something. I...I love you. Always have. Ever since the first time I saw you." He said. My heart did flip flops. My crush, he...He liked me BACK! Oh, happy days!!

"Dude, I had the craziest dream!" I said add I opened my eyes.

Scout jumped, and looked at me. He smiled happily at me and tackled me into a hug. I hugged him back.

"I love you too, scout." I said, he froze.

He pulled away blushing like crazy. "You..heard that..?" He asked, rubbing the back of his head. I nodded, giggling.

"And it wasn't your fault! It was the stupid Blu thaT shot me fault." I told him, gaming his hand.

He smiled up at me, and paced a hand on my cheek. He leaned over and kissed my forehead.

"I love you."

"Loves ya too."


"Whot the bloody hell I'd going on!?!" Sniper yelled from the doorway.

The was snickering coming from behind him.

"I believe herr scout und Frau (y/l/n) are küssen, Herr sniper." Medic said.

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