The morning after

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You woke up bright an early in the exact place you had fallen asleep in. It was 5am, you didn't need to be ready until 11. You looked over at draco who was still asleep, who by chance woke up moments later.
"What's wrong?" He asked concerned.
"Nothing, i only just woke up"
"I have an idea" he replied.
You both woke up and snuck down stairs. In the kitchen you grabbed an apple each and he grabbed your hand. You went to the cloak room where you each put on the warmest jacket you could find and some shoes. Her pulled you outside and apporated.
"DRACO- we can't just leave what about your parents or Bella when they notice we have gone!"
"My parents won't be up for hours and aunt bella won't mind, now come on"
You were in a forest, however it wasn't cold anymore.
"What is this place draco?"
"I don't exactly know, I made it up and tried to apporate here and it works- it's basically my idea of heaven, I haven't told anyone yet as it isn't really allowed, I mean saying that it's not disallowed either, it hasn't been discovered, but with my family's history it's best to not mention it to anyone-Okay?"
Astounded you, of course agreed. Bunnies ran through the field as the sun began to rise.
"I'm glad we woke up early actually, Ive been dying to show someone"
Amazed you watched as the clouds became pink, contrasting to the newly born ,blue sky.
"Yes malfoy" you said playfully.
He smiled. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to the gala?"
"The gala our parents are hosting, the one you bought the dress for me for? I figured you'd already worked out I was going to be there"
"No I mean, would you like to go to the gala with me, like sort of, a date?"
Completely shocked you yelled yes before leaping towards him in a similar way to in the book store.
"Really?" He yelled suprised.
"Yes yes and yes!"
He lifted you above his head and you looked down into his eyes. He slowly brought you closer to the ground until your bare feet hit the soil as your shoes had fallen off at some point during the excitement. Draco looked down deep into your eyes before kissing you. His cold hands on your cheeks you felt is rings caress your neck. He pulled you in close for a hug. Before apporating back to the manor. Suddenly it was freezing again before you ran back to the door. It opened to reveal a very worried narcissa. "Draco how many times do I have to tell you- LEAVE A NOTE! You don't understand how worried I've been about you, I understand you can apporate now but your still living under our roof which means you have to tell us before you tell us when your leaving! Of course this isn't any of your fault y/n, there is French toast inside waiting for you. You on the other hand mister are a right piece of work, now in!" Draco was still beaming although you felt guilty. You ate your breakfast sitting opposite each other smiling the entire time.

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