Its Alright

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Sometimes things don't go the way we wanted. Sometimes you just have to face the cold truth. In many of these occasions we might not want face the truth and that's alright because it means you cared about...even if you didn't realise it or maybe you thought you cared for something but for a different reason than the actual reason as to why you cared about it.

For some people it might be graduating school, finishing university, or it could even be a relationship, it doesn't have to be the same to everyone, but also it doesn't have to be different it can be anyway for anyone.

But you know what...its alright it's perfectly okay if that job didn't work out for you, or that the career you thought you wanted isn't working out for you or that relationship where you thought you loved that someone but it's just didn't work out, or that you didn't get to be in that team,play,movie, or even collage you wanted to because you can go and search for another job who knows it might even be better than your old job.

It's okay to change your career at any age because after all it's you're life. You could be twenty, thirty, forty, fifty,or sixty and go back to collage/school. Because no matter what anyone says even if they say your silly, or too old to go back don't listen to them, if it's one of your dream it's alright to go for it even if it's many years later.

Know that there are many more teams, plays, movies, and collages out there which might just be better experience for you. It's alright if things don't work out as long as you don't give up on the hope. Its alright if things go badly, because if they do you should take it as test prep or a lesson because after all you're only human so its alright to mess up.

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