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Its rather odd how we believe that we do not really need a certain object/person until we have to go on without them, whether its temporally or gone forever. Its almost like we always seem to take things for granted. Or some occasions we say we could be perfectly fine without the person/object. For some this maybe the loud person in their group of classmates, friends or colleges, maybe its your cell phone or computer, it could even be your old house whatever it is we always say we don't need it that we could go on without them, yet when they disappear we find ourselves miss them.

Whether you cannot stop thinking about how much they use to annoy you (slow Internet, loud laugh or always saying something to piss you accidentally or on purpose) at first your think this is good that as time goes on you'll forget about it...sometimes you do, others you don't. Time goes on you find yourself missing the person/object more each day. It maybe because we thought we were ready to let go but in reality we weren't even if it was time to let go.

There are a couple of sayings that always puzzled me the first being"If you love something let it go if it was meant to be it'll come back , if it doesn't it wasn't meant to be". The second one being"If you truly care for something, fight for it and don't ever let go". I was always told both while i grew up to be the person i am today, but even to this day i don't know which one I'm suppose to follow. The last two being"With time it'll go away and you'll forget all about it". Lastly "if you truly love something you will never stop loving it'. I have come to think that sometimes all of these came be true or all be partly true but other occasions they all may just be lies.

From life so far I've learned that you should speak about you feel,what your emotions are, express your opinion as long as it isn't going to harm someone, because we think we have more time when really that time can be ripped out of your hands any second without a warming and it'll make us realise that in the end we did care but that it is to late.

~sorry this one maybe awful -AZ

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